Free tape saturation on a mac running cubase?


New Metal Member
Dec 20, 2009
Hey guys,

As per the title, can anyone suggest a decent free tape saturation plugin for a mac running cubase?

Big fan of ferox, but of course, not for mac :(
Which version of cubase?

If is SX 3 or higher, the included Magneto is pretty good. I like it better than most of the free stuff. With 5, and maybe 4, you have to go to Steinberg's FTP site and get the "Legacy Plugins" since they decided to drop it.

Not sure about mac though, but since it is included, I assume it is available.
Cubase 5. Going to try and get Magneto working on it, not sure how it will go though. I think there might be some funny compatability issues because of the whole Power PC -> intel thing. Thanks for the tip though, I'll see what happens.
Thanks for the reply dude! Found Magneto on the steinberg ftp as you linked, but I'm having funny problems with the files. The "magneto" file seems to have no format. haha Am I missing something?
Yeah, that's what I did first. Cubase just looked at the file for a while whilst loading up, but then nothing came of it. :<
You know, as you mentioned, I would not be surprised if Magneto is for PPC, not for x86. It probably isn't a Universal Binary like the new stuff.

Hmm... yeah for free... maybe try Nebula Free? They have a mac version I think. And it is cheap for the Commercial one. Lots of tape emulation in there and according to many, among the best.

Personally I use Magneto, Ferox, Ferric TDS, and URS Saturation. All are different and good for different things. If I had to pick one, it would probably be URS Saturation. Many options, all sound good, and pretty low on CPU.
Thanks mate, have nebula now and am currently looking into URS as well! Much appreciated.