Free time...

Man, that's tough... I have free time, now, 'cause I'm waiting to go in for an EEG. However, it's a period of free time w/mandatory 5-hours sleep and NO COFFEE!! :bah: So, my free time, this morning, is spent listening to metal (Deadly Blessing, currently) and hanging out on the board. Oh, and apparently answering questions about server passwords (my company lost power last night, which, for being the power company is kind of funny....)...

Usually, when I get free time, I enjoy playing hockey with the kids, listening to good music, watching good sci-fi, doing stuff with the wife... It's funny, 5 years ago, free time was listening to music and watching hockey...funny what that whole marriage schtick thing does...


Originally posted by Kon16ov
Man, that's tough... I have free time, now, 'cause I'm waiting to go in for an EEG. However, it's a period of free time w/mandatory 5-hours sleep and NO COFFEE!! :bah: So, my free time, this morning, is spent listening to metal (Deadly Blessing, currently) and hanging out on the board. Oh, and apparently answering questions about server passwords (my company lost power last night, which, for being the power company is kind of funny....)...

Usually, when I get free time, I enjoy playing hockey with the kids, listening to good music, watching good sci-fi, doing stuff with the wife... It's funny, 5 years ago, free time was listening to music and watching hockey...funny what that whole marriage schtick thing does...


I will only say this:
Deadly Blessing fucking rules
Cool!!! Someone else on the *planet* who knows about them. I have 2 "EPs" (well, one EP and one with the songs on the EP and 2 more songs that weren't on the EP...) and that's it, and haven't been able to find anyone who knows any more about them...

I mentioned them on the TLegions board and got the blinkey-blank stares in response like I had just sprouted antlers, so....

The vocalist (Skye, was it?) could get up there, couldn't he...?

Man, speaking of free's all gone... Catch y'all on the flip side...

Originally posted by Kon16ov
Cool!!! Someone else on the *planet* who knows about them. I have 2 "EPs" (well, one EP and one with the songs on the EP and 2 more songs that weren't on the EP...) and that's it, and haven't been able to find anyone who knows any more about them...

I mentioned them on the TLegions board and got the blinkey-blank stares in response like I had just sprouted antlers, so....

The vocalist (Skye, was it?) could get up there, couldn't he...?

Man, speaking of free's all gone... Catch y'all on the flip side...

Ski could get up there alright!
I have a full length album "Ascend from the cauldron" that contains the tracks from the EP, i think.
ha ha. :lol:

Yeah, i guess i am a bit of a hypocrit. :rolleyes:

I am applying for a few jobs tomorrow. Wish me luck.

i FINALLY told the studio i worked for to GO FUCK THEMSELVES.... But now i am broke because of it, and i didn't get a reference. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Trapped
ha ha. :lol:

Yeah, i guess i am a bit of a hypocrit. :rolleyes:

I am applying for a few jobs tomorrow. Wish me luck.

i FINALLY told the studio i worked for to GO FUCK THEMSELVES.... But now i am broke because of it, and i didn't get a reference. :rolleyes:
U didn't act wisely mate! How old r u? Music as a musician isn't something you can rely on to make a living. Esp. if you listen to metal. At least here in Greece.

You have my best wishes to find a good job! Then u will collect the money and fly over to greece. And then we'll both fly to Germany to meet Narrot! :grin:
...I didn't appreciate being called up at 3:20 in the morning and being asked to record a demo for a crappy PUNK band. I think that i DID act wisely, it was a good desicion.

I am 12. :grin:

You are worse than Pappa Opeth (metalmanCPA), damn lectures!! ha ha. I've been teaching guitar for a while, it's actually pretty good pay.

Thanks for the support, metalized. I shall let you know. I am trying to get a job at a book store. ha ha. It's a different to working in a studio i am sure!! ha ha. :lol:
Originally posted by Trapped
...I didn't appreciate being called up at 3:20 in the morning and being asked to record a demo for a crappy PUNK band. I think that i DID act wisely, it was a good desicion.

I am 12. :grin:

You are worse than Pappa Opeth (metalmanCPA), damn lectures!! ha ha. I've been teaching guitar for a while, it's actually pretty good pay.

Thanks for the support, metalized. I shall let you know. I am trying to get a job at a book store. ha ha. It's a different to working in a studio i am sure!! ha ha. :lol:
U might get a call at 3:00 am to open the book store to give someone a book about "How to play punk" or something. :grin:

Wow you are a grown up! :eek:
I am 8. :grin:
Wow you are a grown up!
I am 8.

....Are you going to have a HUUUUGE piss-up for your 10th?? :grin:

U might get a call at 3:00 am to open the book store to give someone a book about "How to play punk" or something.

...I was afraid of that. I'll probably be selling books on how to 'Groom Horses' or something like that. :rolleyes:
ha ha. I'll have little kids calling me at home at 2:00 in the morning, asking if we have the Harry Pothead books in store... :lol: :lol:

....Maybe i shouldn't apply for this job :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Trapped
ha ha. I'll have little kids calling me at home at 2:00 in the morning, asking if we have the Harry Pothead books in store... :lol: :lol:

....Maybe i shouldn't apply for this job :rolleyes:
Nah go for it! Some divine chick might wake u up to give her the latest "Elle" or something. I would very happily wake up then!:grin: :heh:
ha ha ha.

Maybe!! Then i can quit my job at the bookstore and go and live on a farm, and milk cows for a living...!!!!

or not. :grin: