You wanna "free" Iran now?

ledmag said:
hahah, 1st off, im not afraid of any country. Im not looking around each corner wandering whats next. Just not. Not going to either.

Yeah, IMO, MY government should have been finger printing FOREIGNERS for a long time. Also, the fucking MELTING POT should have been thrown the fuck away a long time ago.
Nothing against you or any one else, but sure, Fingerprint them all. ANd Fingerprint me before i enter a foreign country as well. Makes sence to me. That way you know who and what is coming into your borders.

YEah, and when my country gets nuked, your a gonner to.

And, who do you let rule your country? hahahahahahahahahaha

Well not saying you're afraid of other countries cause they're not stupid to declare an open war against the US. However the majority of Americans, average middle class people are scared shitless of terrorism cause they believe what's coming out of Bush's mouth.

As far as fingerprinting, don't be a dumbass, fingerprinting is just another one of Bush's ways to keep Americans afraid and is totally useless, if terrorists wanted to get in the US there's no fucking problem, go to Canada and cross over the border who the fuck's gonna stop them.

"And, who do you let rule your country? hahahahahahahahahaha"
I don't know why you're laughing since you don't even know who rules my country. Sure he's a major fucking dumbass, all politicians are, they might be a bunch of inefficient liars but generally they don't go around starting wars.
I figured you were never from around here.

Where do you currently reside? (Just country, no house adress needed.)
I think bush is a moron.

but if you have so much heartburn about america, go home.

seems everyone bitches about american culture, but they're over here, gobbling down big macs. interesting, all the Pakis and Chinese and such (examples, not singling them out) who come over here for med school and never go home, eh? because out of all the world this is the best chance to get away from the squalor, misery, wife burning, burqa wearing armpits of nations they come from.

I'll be the first to criticize what our "leaders" do, and its my right, as a citizen.
Sodam Insane was a mad man with a motive. Sodam is a terrorist. America was attacted 9/11. Sodam has connection and is opperating with Al Qeada. These are facts. Do we wait for the next 9/11 or do we defend our country?
If Bush doesn't declare war on ALL terrorist,what do you think Americans would think of him then?
If Iran and Syria want some action lets give them some. They were fighting us while we were in Iraq.whats the difference if we did fight them in their own country?
By the way,The [majority] people of Iraq are glad their ruthless dictator is gone.
Stop being so sympathetic to terrorest and all the other wrong doers of this world.If you hate America, move.
It's spelled "Saddam," dweeb.

Why did we declare war on Iraq? Oh, to stop them from using their weapons of mass destruction, of course.

What's that, we didn't find any weapons of mass destruction? Well, we must have been trying to stop terrorism.

Oh, there are no ties between the Baath party and Al Qaeda, and there have been MORE terrorist attacks since the war ended? Hmmm...well, we freed the Iraqi people, that counts for something.

Oh wait, they don't have enough food or water, their hospitals are non-existent, and we're shooting protestors for autonomy. Crap. Hey, we saved Jessica Lynch! One life is worth all those Iraqis, right?

Oh yeah, huh, it was a faked rescue with US troops firing on the Iraqi vehicle sent to return her, then firing blanks during the actual mission at nonexistent enemy soldiers as part of a brilliant propaganda plan. Well, at least war always helps the economy.

Oh wait, the economy still sucks shit and we're going to fuck it up even more with another tax cut.

Well, we won. That MUST mean we're right.



It would be amusing how easily Bush and co. pulled wool over the eyes of sheeple like you, if there weren't so damn many of you. All I can do is hope for some of the population to realize that the administration is running America into the ground, and dragging as much of the rest of the world as they can down with them.
All I can say is if attacking Iran is as easy as Operation "Iraqi Surender" Go for it. Its a boost for our economy. If other countries were so adamant about American "expansion" as all the liberalist pussies call it, they wouldn't just oppose America with words. All I can say is that there is always some one on top. I'm glad its my country. And yes Bush may not be the smartest president ever, But atleast the man has a fucking pair. I'm sorry, Its about time we did something over there. And of course the reason we have our interests over there because of the oil. But alot of people don't understand the importance of petroleum. It doesn't just fuel cars.

@Guerilla - I do realize we Americans tend to be more paranoid about things but trust me, Bush has in no way made me fearful or cause me any doubt.
P.S.the reason that most people are afraid of war is that they are just simply that, afraid. Yes war sux and yes it shouldn't happen but we live in a fucked up world, a world with conflict and Governments with money and terrorist leaders. Be happy some body is cleaning up.
Guerrilla said:
However the majority of Americans, average middle class people are scared shitless of terrorism cause they believe what's coming out of Bush's mouth

You speak of things you don't even know. I don't know of any one who is scared of terrorist. I'm not scared of terrorism, neither are any one I know. Do yourself a favor and talk about things you can substantiate with evidence and not bullshit notions.
MetalHeadMarc said:
You speak of things you don't even know. I don't know of any one who is scared of terrorist. I'm not scared of terrorism, neither are any one I know. Do yourself a favor and talk about things you can substantiate with evidence and not bullshit notions.

Well I may have exaggerated a bit. My point was that Bush lied about Iraq and WMDs to scare morons like Blair into believing Iraq was a threat to the western world. Similarly, the whole terror alert shit and whatnot the US government uses is to keep Americans worried about terrorism so there won't be any opposition when attacks on Iraq, Iran, Syria or wherever are made.

MetalHeadMarc said:
All I can say is if attacking Iran is as easy as Operation "Iraqi Surender" Go for it. Its a boost for our economy.

Well it's nice to see that you're worried about your stocks while others are worried where to find food and a place to sleep cause your government bombed their homes to hell.

MetalHeadMarc said:
If other countries were so adamant about American "expansion" as all the liberalist pussies call it, they wouldn't just oppose America with words.

Well France stood up. Unfortunately for the rest of the world, America has created a situation where it is impossible for a country to show its disagreement and disapproval of American imperialism in a way other than words. If something like what you're suggesting would happen that'd be WWIII.
In anycase, Bin Laden's message was pretty clear and to the point wasn't it? He didn't just oppose America with words like the "liberalist pussies" you mention.
Bottom line. America+ co are power mad. They don't want ANYONE to become as powerful as they are. Korea is making an attempt= Threarts of war and futher facist control over the population.

A document was "Leaked"(Bullshit government word for left lying around on a train by a fucktard secretary) specficaly to scare the shit out of the people and make them think terrorists are everywhere and about to get YOU. Specificaly YOU at YOUR house with YOUR freinds.

Governments are based on control and power. They use every method they can to keep it. Legal or illegal or just outright lies.

Ihreil Junkenstein said:
Governments are based on control and power. They use every method they can to keep it. Legal or illegal or just outright lies.


No shit, All governments are like that. They are corrupt and decietful because after all it is made of only men. But one thing I will say about my crappy, shitty government, Its the best crappy government in the world. I not all places are countries of free speach. Of course there are many places were I could speak freely outside of the USA. But when I think of it, what country set up a successful model of Democracy (if you could call it that)? The USA damnit. Listen, I don't want the USA to fight any more countries. I want peace as much as you guys do, but if my county's leaders deem that another is threat. I hope they will do their job to end that threat. And I honestly believe that my leaders, not just Bush but our intelegence advisors and generals will conduct what will be in the best interest of peace. I would hope your country would do the same. As for this "expansinist" crap, you fuckers are throughing that term around to lightly. The Romans where expansionist. Nazi Germany was expansionist. America isn't getting new colonies, lands, or taxes so stop acting like we are trying to take over the world.
METAL HEAD MARK IS THE MAN. You said it very well.

IMO, Saddam knew he was asking for war by not letting the inspectors in.

He should haev been killed yrs ago. And the USA+ Should be hitting NK and Iran RIGHT NOW. ANd then, any other SAND eater who pops his jaw should follow after the destruction of food and homes and hospitals, and the majority of the general population in the 2 countries i just mentioned. Im glad The USA is the world COPS. WHo else will make a stand for the whole world while the whole world, other than the USA and brit and the coalition, are flapping their jaw, their countries are becoming more safe. If you cry for ALLAH, stand against a wall, and take what ya deserve. A BULLET.
And the french, my government should haev him Killed, the sorry bastard for not siding with us, and my government should BOMB THE STATUE OF FUCKING LIBERTY, and then haul the peices to france in a plane, and drop the peices on the most populated area of FRance during RUSH HOUR.

ANd Gman>>>, i normally dig your esays and normally think your pretty cool. But you dont know SHIT about my country or its leaders. Saddam was coming down eventually, i only wish it had been sooner. And dont think for a minute that your not a fucking puppet on a string. Your government could MAKE you like anything they you to like. Your government could make you eat dog sht, and make you think you getting a treat. And what makes you any different than BUSH? Nothing, your poping your jaw about things that didnt happen in your back yard. He is poping ppl, your poping your mouth. Well, he is poping SAND EATER ALLHA following HEATHENS. not much differance pal. Your both poking your noses.

perhaps all you people that are so fucking gung ho for war and 'liberation' should go enlist in the fuckin army. show all those pussy liberals who dont like war how its done.
ledmag said:
IMO, Saddam knew he was asking for war by not letting the inspectors in.

He should haev been killed yrs ago. And the USA+ Should be hitting NK and Iran RIGHT NOW. ANd then, any other SAND eater who pops his jaw should follow after the destruction of food and homes and hospitals, and the majority of the general population in the 2 countries i just mentioned. Im glad The USA is the world COPS. WHo else will make a stand for the whole world while the whole world, other than the USA and brit and the coalition, are flapping their jaw, their countries are becoming more safe. If you cry for ALLAH, stand against a wall, and take what ya deserve. A BULLET.
And the french, my government should haev him Killed, the sorry bastard for not siding with us, and my government should BOMB THE STATUE OF FUCKING LIBERTY, and then haul the peices to france in a plane, and drop the peices on the most populated area of FRance during RUSH HOUR.
Chirac did the right thing by not bending over for Bush like Blair did. If you wanna kill him for not siding with you, why not wipe out the rest of Europe, cause although some European leaders sided with you, Europeans as a whole were against the war.
You'd think in a society where the word freedom can never be used enough, people would understand that other nations have the freedom to choose whether they agree with your politics or not. Chirac did just that, he chose not to suck Bush's dick and he had every right to make that decision. Maybe instead of the world COPS you meant the USA is the world TERRORISTS. Cause that's what you wrote up there sounds like.
Now go to your local McDonald's and eat your freedom fries and be glad you don't live in a country where US bombs rain on you cause some insane redneck with dreams of world domination got elected for president.
If I were Saddam Husayn (Or So/dam Insane in which i use in humor)
I would know that there is no chance of winning the war with America by means of combat.
Before you start quoting all this liberal propaganda,Take in a different view called wisdom.
If I were saddom,I would want to ster up as much trouble for America has I could. Meaning;
I would dump my WMD in the river or so.Maybe I,Saddam, Will make a deal with Syria or some other terrorist country and hide my weapons there.
This is called psychological warfare. Ever heard of it? I didn't think so.
This is the plan. I saddam,hide or destroy WMD and the world will Hate America and eventually rise up against America and over thow it.
Saddam is not dumb. Neither is any thinking man under alot of pressure and Saddam is under alot of pressure.
If America finds WMD, Saddam looks like the evil man he is.Saddam wants to look good. I can't believe some of you are calling yourselfs Americans!!?! Your playing into Saddams psychological wargame.
I can tell none of you ever played Chess before. I played professional.
Yea,I played the russans too. I know what it mean to plan something.
It's not as simple has you(the liberals)think. Your all only looking one move ahead in this possition! You do not see the battle groud for what it is.Nor do you see it through a desperate generals eyes. Saddam knows he's going to be checkmated in 17 resolutions. He needs to think!
Saddam knows his country better than France and the U.S. I think Anyone would want to make the U.S look bad.
I bet im taking to a bounch of Markist;terrorist. Because you liberals are very sympathetic to communist and torrorist it makes me sick. No wonder all the great American bands are breaking up and finding new careers. They're all sick of supporting the metal hatred for America!
Clean the shit out of your eyes and wake up!
Your selling your own country out to all the terrorist and communist of the world. You think this country is bad don't you? When its gone, its gone its gone.
The French have always been a bounch of ungreatful cowards-and now you want to join them?
The French government is what started all this anti-American BS.
Why don't you go to school,spit the joint out,get educated and learn to read before you spit lies and sell out you own country!!!!!
If metal music is setting you back,then maybe you can't handle the music.
It's just sound,man.
it's just sound.
it's not reality.
You all need to learn before you preach.
You need to study before to teach.
This is the plan. I saddam,hide or destroy WMD and the world will Hate America and eventually rise up against America and over thow it.
And then what? I Saddam will take over the world? With all the other countries waiting to kick my ass if I tried something?
bet im taking to a bounch of Markist;terrorist.
Marxist terrorist? Hmm... do those two really go together?
No wonder all the great American bands are breaking up and finding new careers. They're all sick of supporting the metal hatred for America!
What the fuck are you talking about. Are you talking about oversensitive morons like Iced Earth?
Your selling your own country out to all the terrorist and communist of the world.
I bet you have a Joseph McCarthy poster over your bed which you masturbate to before you fall asleep. Seems you've picked up a few things you heard your redneck parents say about communism, terrorism, gay people, Allah and whatnot and managed to confuse all that and mix it in your head and spit it out whenever your parents allow you to get on the Internet and post useless shit.
The French have always been a bounch of ungreatful cowards-and now you want to join them?
The French government is what started all this anti-American BS.
You're a nationalist retard who gulps down all the shit Bush spits out. I don't get why Bush is giving France such a hard time when other countries were against action in Iraq as well. Countries like Canada. Oh wait, what's that? They got oil? Oh, okay then, better not piss Canadians off.
Why don't you go to school,spit the joint out,get educated and learn to read before you spit lies and sell out you own country!!!!!
We've been reading books long before you ever managed to figure out how your remote control works. If your posts are indicative of your intelligence you got a problem. Come back when you turn 13 and manage to get your head out of your ass which seems to have been stuck in there before you came out of your momma's pussy.
Guerrilla said:
Chirac did the right thing by not bending over for Bush like Blair did.

***Dude, dont be a fuckin monkeey. Chirac would haev sided with the coalition, but he had signed contracts for oil. HE sighned those contracts during a sanction he supposedly supported with the UN. As did Russsia. Their war was behind the scenes. Their war was a race for oil. They wanted the oil, and they knew Saddam hated the USA enough, he would go along with their plan. They knew that anyone who got the oil in the open, everyone knowing about it would be called a terroist etc....(just as teh USA is being called). The difference is, we would haev shared the oil had Chirac join us. And we didint go behind the scenes to get the oil. We went to Iraq, and we took it. Once Bush let it out that we were gonna go to IRAQ, Chirac started his ANTI USA campaign. ANd you being the little monkeey in the tree that you are, you fell head over heels on your ass, then bouced and landed with your mouth around CHIRACS cock.****

If you wanna kill him for not siding with you, why not wipe out the rest of Europe, cause although some European leaders sided with you, Europeans as a whole were against the war.

***Cause France was supposed to be a major ally. And the oil deal i told you of above......***

You'd think in a society where the word freedom can never be used enough, people would understand that other nations have the freedom to choose whether they agree with your politics or not.

***What if a country (france) signed ilegal contracts, what if a country like France helped make the politics. Supporting th inspectors, etc...Oh yeah, they supporte the snactions etc so they could go behind the lines and get the oil.***

Chirac did just that, he chose not to suck Bush's dick and he had every right to make that decision.

***Ok, so he was jerking off after each UN meeting, cause he was getting off on pulling Bushes cock before the UN. Then he just decided to suck SAdoms cock, and get paid in OIL. And still look good to everyone else who is harbouring terrorists. So i suppose he does have the right to meke these dicisions, and he has the right to NOT GET OIL hahahahahahaha...which was and is his main objective. ***

Maybe instead of the world COPS you meant the USA is the world TERRORISTS.

***You dont even know the definition of terrorists. I still say your bagging bush for his nose, and your doin the same thing.**

Cause that's what you wrote up there sounds like.

***yeah, monkeeys hear that way***

Now go to your local McDonald's and eat your freedom fries and be glad you don't live in a country where US bombs rain on you cause some insane redneck with dreams of world domination got elected for president.

***Sure im glad im not a sand eater, or a fucker who never takes a the french.***

Go climb a tree.

UN Finds Fault with Iran on Nuclear Obligations
2 hours, 48 minutes ago
Add Top Stories - Reuters to My Yahoo!By Louis Charbonneau VIENNA (Reuters) - The United Nations (news - web sites) nuclear watchdog agency has accused Iran of failing to comply with its nuclear safeguards agreement, according to a confidential report obtained by Reuters Friday.
