Free time...

Originally posted by Trapped
I'll probably be selling books on how to 'Groom Horses' or something like that. :rolleyes:

I betcha MSC has a whole library with books like that.

Well, speaking of free time and what I do when i'm bored. When I have free time I go out with my friends and do dick all and sit in his basement filled with musical equipment that I can't play, But I have a great time there, so it works. I play Grand Theft Auto 3 there as well(anyone else here play that? Best game ever) there as well. And sometimes i go out downtown to buy CD's and shit. When no one is around there is nothig for me to do, and then I get bored. I usually end up sitting in front of the TV/idiot box while my cousin plays got damn fucking Ultima Online from when he wakes up to when he goes to bed, or I sleep.

God damn I'm bored. Friday night at home sucks!