incidently, we were gonna set up our own wiki for this... never happened.

i suggested use my FTP and get a reliable source for storing them...

Again, people were like "no"...
Thank you all for your contributions sofar, if extensive enough we might be able to make a wiki out of this and backup on all the files. I have them stored on my hdd for now (not all of them but a lot) incase one of the sites decided to pull back a plugin :saint:
I think the Pitch-Shifter (version 1.0.0) on this page is supposed to be the bee's knees for doing mock bass guitar using a normal guitar (aka Ghetto Bass). I tested it once, and seemed to do the trick.


My advice is to use it only when tracking.
And then use Reapers pitch adjust (best algo) to render the track with ultra high quality that is unachievable by any realtime vst plugin.

(I tried all free pitchshifters, because i can't afford a real bass, so i know what i'm talking about ;) :heh: )
I've never heard IIEQ get mentioned on this forum. It is definately one of the finest freeware equalizers i've used alongside smartelectronix NyQuistEQ and Aixcoustic's Electri-Q/Posihfopit.

It sounds amazing and somehow manages a very low cpu hit. I also find that the gui forces you to use your ears instead of eyes. It's not available on the developers site ( at the moment but i've uploaded it to the ftp. The site is not attractive and the gui isn't the greatest looking either but the sound is great.

Edit: I've also uploaded a bunch of great skins for Electri-Q/Posihfopit I found over at kvr. Big improvement in the gui department with these.