Freeware SimulAnalog Guitar suite sound clip

I record the guitar (stereo in L) in a mono audio track. Now I can pan correctly the track.
If I apply Guitar suite or TubeScreamer and I try to pan the track, it works only on the right..
I have tried every alternative but there is no my case.
::XeS:: said:
I record the guitar (stereo in L) in a mono audio track. Now I can pan correctly the track.
If I apply Guitar suite or TubeScreamer and I try to pan the track, it works only on the right..
I have tried every alternative but there is no my case.

Betabugs Moneo - problem solved ! :headbang:
Suicide_As_Alibi said:
Anyone using this have any problems? I've tried most of the plug-ins they have, and I have the same problem with all of them:

I have a mono guitar track, I put plug-in on it, and suddenly the output is stereo, with the affected signal on the left and a clean signal on the right. As I play with the settings, it affects the panning of the two outputs too. If I change the actual Sonar track to mono output, alhtough it does make it mono it quite obviously has the clean signal on top of it.

Any ideas?


Ha...Yer the prettyness of sonar is a downfall in this area...
Make sure you route a mono input first of all (as per usual for GTR tracks)

click that speaker lookin button in the yellow box, it'll switch to one speaker.
BTW it is a pretty cool effect sometimes if you balance the clean with the distorted...prob not for metal tho...

Re-Read you post, Simulanalog plugins seems to do a slight wet/dry mix when you turn the knobs in the lower if ya put everything on 1, its practically the same signal as input, anyone else find that? Once you put everything around 5 it seems to be fairly wet...

or is that just us in sonar??
I've had an issue with GuitarSuite for a while where my CPU usage spikes whenever my session is idle and I have an iteration of GS running. Running more than two iterations becomes impossible, because my CPU usage spikes to the point of the DAW crashing. Weird crap. Happens in both Cubase and Nuendo.
There's a bug in the VST Adapter that comes with Sonar. (it's the same adapter in Sonar 5 even though it's integrated now) The only way to totally get rid of the problem you guys mention, is to use another wrapper... I recommend Directixer. Get it here:

It's not free, but very cheap and well worth the money.

And as a footnote: I've tried to find other solutions with the Guitar Suite plugins, but it just won't work as long as you use the VST adapter. Bjp's tip is fine as long as you're ok with having the clean output present. Personally I hate it as it sounds really strange, even if you crank the distorted level. Conclusion: If you totally wanna get rid of the clean signal, use Directixer, there is no other way (that I know of).
Moonlapse said:
I've had an issue with GuitarSuite for a while where my CPU usage spikes whenever my session is idle and I have an iteration of GS running. Running more than two iterations becomes impossible, because my CPU usage spikes to the point of the DAW crashing. Weird crap. Happens in both Cubase and Nuendo.

GNormal - problem solved :headbang:
Yeah it got really good reviews

and it looks cool

anyone who has used it lets us all no how it plays