french electors vote "no"

Celtik Militia

Dumb French Bastard
Aug 12, 2004
ok the referendum is over
54.5% of the french voted against the new european constitution... which is a great victory.
i believe the netherlands, poland, denmark and great britain will eventually have a referendum about it, the french "no" will certainly influence the other countries for the election.
this is exciting :p alas some new political crisis, i've hadnt had this since... eeeh the war in iraq and the last presiential elections.

anyway, any thoughts?
Great, Holland said no as well and after reading some polls, if Belgium had a referendum,we would have said no as well. Holland's case is different from France's since people in Holland are sick and tired of foreigners and how Europe isn't social/taking care of it's people. Two things that are distinct now in France, the little workers and middle class finally got a victory and the people are willing to fight for a France for the french and protect the interest of the country first(shared by a great deal of the population). Could they please stop giving us shit with their "polish plumber" and low wages in the east. Taking jobs away from one country to open factories in the east isn't helping anything.
heh, i was in both countries when they voted, neat stuff. But yeah, i can see how the dutch are sick of foreigners, walking down the streets of amsterdam there were more tourists than citizens.
Thrymfal said:
heh, i was in both countries when they voted, neat stuff. But yeah, i can see how the dutch are sick of foreigners, walking down the streets of amsterdam there were more tourists than citizens.

Kind of like walking down the beach at Cocoa :)
TheLastWithPaganBlood said:
What is it that the european legislation actually says?

that the younger people have to stop wearing rattails and mullets..I mean what is up with that? Everyone in Spain and Greece have mullets.
Evil Dead said:
Kind of like walking down the beach at Cocoa :)
Ain't it the truth, but our economy is boilt on it, so i say keep em comin. Which part of florida are you from anyway....we may completely cover the spread on this forum.
Thrymfal, how was your trip in europe? what did you do?

also what made me vote "no" is that the turkish government co-wrote the constitution... i mean what the fuck? that just prooves the constitution was an anticipation of them joining the EU.. also, although i'm not christian, the turks convinced the european constitution writers to no include the word "christian" in the constitution which normally would have been in there, christianity being the major european religion... i mean this all prooves the nonesense of that shit.
the trip was great, did london, dublin, paris, amsterdam and stockholm, a good time all around. The stereotypes didn't really hold up, the french were very nice and didn't smell ;) London was nice, Dublin was fun but the food was terrible. Amsterdam was actually pretty boring, considering i didn't really want drugs or a whore. Stockholm was fun, went to the history museum, but i missed the boat to Birkka, stayed up all night in the anchor, a good trip for sure.
Thrymfal said:
Ain't it the truth, but our economy is boilt on it, so i say keep em comin. Which part of florida are you from anyway....we may completely cover the spread on this forum.

From Tennessee actually, but have lived near Pensacola for about 8 years. My whore ex wife is from cocoa though so I have spent alot of time down there.

What is up with all the rednecks and child molesters in Brevard county?
Belgar said:
ahahah typical Amsterdam, what did I tell you about it? you should have stopped in Belgium instead, Holland is so overrated.

best things out of holland were Cruyff and Van Basten.
this has just about nothing to do with anything but did anyone go to that manowar show in orlando other then ferylylyl and myself? i hate to say it being a fan and anticpating them to come around for so so long but,..... i think it was the cheesiest show i ever saw.... fucking velveta style. they didnt even play battle hymns!! i mean... cmon!!! mother fucking battle hymns!!! and wtf was with all these god damn 20minute solos!!! that rhapsody bassist fucking ruled though. id pay 31$ to watch him do that catwalk again. fucking a he was the shit. but whatever. also all of the merchandise they had totaly sucked the nads. what a bummer =\