Fretlight Guitar


Nov 27, 2010
Watch the 3rd video

I know I'm gonna get flamed for this but... I think it would be a great way to learn new scales, arpegios, chords, songs, shapes etc. I was playing with the software for it today and it is really simple to convert tabs over. It also has a huge library of scales.
people are so lazy now they want a guitar to show them what to play? damn. What happened to learning the old fashioned way? Guess this is what you get when the Guitar Hero generation wants to learn a real guitar...
I just discovered this thing today and I bought one as soon as I got off work. It kicks major ass! I'm not promoting them and GODDAMN IT i posted in the wrong section again.
@ Egan: So then every time someone on this forum mentions or raves about a plugin or mic or software or what ever (which happens ALL THE TIME) they are shamelessly promoting too? by your definition and unnecessary post it would seem you think so. Funny you never mentioned it before though...
@ Egan: So then every time someone on this forum mentions or raves about a plugin or mic or software or what ever (which happens ALL THE TIME) they are shamelessly promoting too? by your definition and unnecessary post it would seem you think so. Funny you never mentioned it before though...

My thoughts exactly. Fuckin' 5150 Promoters! NICE TRY PEAVEY REPS!
@ Egan: So then every time someone on this forum mentions or raves about a plugin or mic or software or what ever (which happens ALL THE TIME) they are shamelessly promoting too? by your definition and unnecessary post it would seem you think so.
No one said anything about "shameless," but YES, that is the definition of promoting and that is exactly what anyone is doing when they start a thread raving about any product. It's not "my" definition. It's THE definition. You seem to think I was scolding him and perhaps I was but only to the extent that he didn't seem to know what "promote" means (and for all I know English isn't his first language).
TheDictionary said:
–verb (used with object), -mot·ed, -mot·ing.

1. to help or encourage to exist or flourish; further

5. to encourage the sales, acceptance, etc., of a product