
Jul 15, 2006
Any metal brothers heading to the big bop on a most evil friday the 13th in October to enjoy one of the greatest metal bands that the 80's had to offer, make yourself known here. Anyone whos down for slamming down some shots, drinking some beer bong and smoking some real bong let me know, the show is gonna fuckin slay TESTAMENT RULES!!!!!!!!\m/:kickass:
im seriously considering it. what do you think the setlist will be? do you think it'll mimic the bootleg of "Live in Istanbul"?? (makes sense, why not promote the latest release??)....
alright, ive got my ticket!!!! and im definitely up for getting some beers beforehand.
ok, so no one will even venture a guess as to what could be played at the gig??? no ideas at all?????
They have a live video of the reunin doing burnt offerings on youtube. And they didn't play that in london, although they might have and it just wasn't on the dvd.
you're right, they play BO or Alone In The Dark pretty often and don't play Let Go Of My World anymore, but that's just about it when it comes to setlist changes. I hope they'll be changing it more often and more drastically.
wow, i just looked at the setlists for Live in London, then the Live in Istanbul and Live in Paris bootlegs, and youre right, they dont switch it up much, do they??? oh well, that works for me! i dont know much of their stuff (even though ive known of them for years....) and i dont like to see songs live that ive never heard, so now i know exactly what to 'research', if you will.....
awesome! & verrry tempting! I actually went to holland and germany to see metallica & guns 'n' roses & alice in chains among others last summer.. was wicked!
Testament hits the stage in just a few shorts hours!!!!!! Im gettin seriously stoked here!!!!!!!!
That. kicked. ass!!

Took awhile to get going, the bus didnt even arrive until well after the supposed starting time of 7pm. Most of the opening bands were great, so i didnt mind seeing 4 of them, but of course none of them could even hold a candle to Testament! I had no idea Chuck was such a great frontman. I always loved him as a singer, but i was surprised with his charisma, of which he has plenty. (Its time for me to get some live DVDs). Ive never found air guitar to be cool at all, but somehow when he does it in sync with Alex and Eric, its fucking awesome! The crowd was great, tons of energy. Only drawback was a very short set by Testament. By my guess, I'd say 1 hour 20 minutes. They left me very hungry. Here's hoping they'll be back soon!

Only setlist surprise from what i know: they played Three Days in Darkness from the Gathering.

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :worship: :worship: :worship:
that was so awesome! but I gotta correct you my friend: two surprises:

true believer AND three days in darkness

That's right alex and greg are learning the new shit (I did catch both of 'em screwing up and searching for their place a couple times :p shit happens) but they played the new songs awesome! the whole set was awesome!

I go rest my neck now :p
Those must have been the two songs,they were planing on playing in NJ on Thursday night.Damn it the HELL! Someone from the board said there friend got the setlist,after the concert and they didn't play two songs,that were on that list.
Oh well,life sucks and then you die! I did buy the Gathering bootleg dvd,so I can watch them perform the songs that I wanted to hear.:cry: