Meet Us at the Vinyl on Friday the 13th!

Thanks for the support James. I really appreciate it, and so did the rest of the band. We came in second on the standings with 32 votes, second to Forefallen's 70 votes. They put on a good show too. Out of the four bands able to move on only one Emo band made it through to the next round last night, and the two bands I really wanted to play with again are going on with us.

whats this...only one metal band on the list? 2nd place? what? what? We came, We Performed, We kicked some ass.

This was my first real big show singing ANYWHERE and our first show as this version of Eclipsed By Sanity. I wasn't the first singer, and they had played little talent shows before. I don't think that counts in comparison to a real venue show for those guys. I wasn't really nervous either, I figure after being in Marching Band for 4 years and having a solo my senior year I would be use to performing. Even with that experience, last night was a million times better than all my marching performances combined. Couldn't compare if I wanted to.

I had a ton of fun and I want to thank James for being there again and all of you that tried to be there. I'll keep everyone updated on the next show. Hope to see you at the Loft!
head on over to their MySpace site to catch a video from last night's show. The audio is sub-par, but I was using a standard Kodak digital camera. Also the sound guy had his head up his ass producing an abundance of bass feedback; he had the drum mics up too high; and he refused to feed the guitars through the floor monitors.

So these guys were basically flying blind through their set. Not bad for their first time on a real stage, eh?

Eclipsed by Sanity :rock:
Rider of Theli said:
head on over to their MySpace site to catch a video from last night's show. The audio is sub-par, but I was using a standard Kodak digital camera. Also the sound guy had his head up his ass producing an abundance of bass feedback; he had the drum mics up too high; and he refused to feed the guitars through the floor monitors.

So these guys were basically flying blind through their set. Not bad for their first time on a real stage, eh?

Eclipsed by Sanity :rock:

That was awesome, Patrick!!!! :rock: Congrats on getting in the top four! Am sooo sorry I ended up not being able to go, but James was there for both of us! :kickass: Hopefully I'll be able to make it to the Loft show.... :)
Please do, as there's nothing else to do in Auburn. I'm glad I'm not a drinker, as there are no bars in the town at all.
The downside: the cops have nothing better to do than pull people over for, say, stopping on the side of the road, or driving past the police department twice in one night......