Friday vs. Saturday: The Poll

Friday or Saturday?

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Same as Bryant here mostly, although after getting some albums, I'm looking forward to seeing a few of the bands live.

I'm going with Friday.....ORPHANED LAND ^_^

I'm also overall more interested in the prog/power stuff on Friday than Saturday.
I will have to go with Saturday.... Really want to see Therion and Stratovarius....
plus i am having to leave early Friday to see one of my favorite bands in the WORLD... :)
Bryant said:
PPVI isn't really my favorite lineup on either night. There is no band that I am particularly a fan of, but that might be a good thing. I am waiting to be surprised and have my butt kicked by a band I'm not very familiar with like what happened to me at PPII with Balance of Power.
Knowing your taste as I do, I would say the band most likely to kick your ass is Manticora. Power Metal, bordering on Thrash. You'll also enjoy Angra; Power metal, delivered with flawless execution. These cats can play.

I thought of you this weekend. I TiVo Metal Asylum on Fuse. In their classic clip they played "Balls to the Wall". The VJ intoduced as being one of the pioneer's of German Thrash. Thrash?:tickled:

General Zod...
Did you have to record the debut of the new Nevermore video on Sat night? Jeff told me it was going to be the first play but I did no make it home in time... I would be indebted to you if you know how to get a copy.. :)
I also TiVo Metal Asylum and Headbangers' Ball, but I delete it after I watch it (so unfortunately I don't have the video). The video has been in Metal Asylum's rotation since early last week; it'll be on again soon, I'm sure.

It's nothing special, though... it looks an awful lot like Metallica's "The Unvorgiven".
rottingflesh said:
General Zod...
Did you have to record the debut of the new Nevermore video on Sat night? Jeff told me it was going to be the first play but I did no make it home in time... I would be indebted to you if you know how to get a copy.. :)
I did record it. Actually, it was first shown on Matal Asylum on Vibe last Tuesday. Unfortunately, I have no way to get a video from my TiVo to you. I would if I could.

Thanks General, I am sure i will catch it... he had told me the debut was on MTV this weekend but i was out... and this weekend i am seeing the show again so i guess i will just have to wait... thanks so much for letting me know.
While I think the show in general will kick all sorts of ass this year (hell, doesn't it do that every year?), I had to go with Friday for one reason: Conception. I never, ever in a million years thought I'd see this band live, a band that recoreded one of my all time favorite CDs (Flow), so you can imagine I'm looking forward to this a great deal...

Conception, Angra, Manticora, and Circus Maximus in the same night? That's like the Christmas present I never received as a child. To top it off, Orphaned Land is playing right in the middle of it all, giving me plenty of time to make a dinner run. It's a beautiful thing.

Stay metal. Never rust.
General Zod said:
If you could attend, only one of the two nights of ProgPower, which would it be?

For me, it's Friday. It's not even close.


Ditto here. I'd miss seeing Stride, but my big question was "which night is Conception playing?" Nothing else matters in comparison, though I do really want to see Circus Maximus, Stride, and Angra, too.

Anything else I wind up enjoying simply gravy.
Toss up for me. Headliner on Friday is more interesting but really, really looking forward to PC 69 on Saturday. If you look at the lineups from top to bottom I'd give Friday the slight edge but only because I'll take Angra over Strat anytime.