Fridays rule.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Got to work late and have been online ever since (2 hours and counting). I think tonight I'll celebrate by getting wasted.

Fridays rule. :rock:
Yeah but then the cost of living a life of Fridays would add up quickly and then every day would be a depressing Monday except without a job.
ditto. classes ended on wednesday... yet i have a test in an hour. except it's an oral production test in phonetics so it should be fun. then the drinking shall commence!
Fridays are the start of my work week (well, weekend). I haven't had a proper night out on a weekend in about 3 years. I'm going to a Brave show tonight though, which is always enjoyable.
I like Saturdays myself but to be honest... every day of this rainy week has been good to me... I found some cool nature treasures this week.
I found a old rusty horse shoe, petrified wood, a old petrified bone, & some small river stones. :)