Fries with mayo: NO! Just NOOOOOOOO!

Oded said:
I have seen this reprehensible eating habit displayed in The Netherlands, Belgium, and Germany. Please stop it, now!

Fries with salt- yes.

With Ketchup- I hate it, and feel that it represents the absolute lowest point of American cuisine, but... use it if you must. Just don't slather it on your steak, as so many of my countrymen sadly feel the need to do.

With vinegar- Ugh. You're supposed to clean your kitchen floor with this stuff...

I know that many of you are eager to attack an American who dares to criticize Euro-Eating-Habits, but remember: at the very least, if not for Americans, the pizza would never have made it out of Naples.
Also, American cuisine cannot be criticized, simply because it doesn't exist. American food, my friends, is ALL foods. Why, within a 5-mile radius of my house, I have access to Indian, Chinese, Japanese, German, Turkish, Ethiopian (!), Lebanese, Northern & Southern Italian, Greek, Thai, Vietnamese, French, etc., restaurants. And I live in a fairly quiet neighborhood.
True, America did curse the rest of the world with the likes of McDonald's. Yet if you, like me, simply detest fast food, there's a solution- don't frequent such establishments. If no Ukrainians bought McBurgers, there wouldn't be a McDonald's in Kiev, if you know what I mean.

Don't forget-- Mayo on Fries? NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mayo only on a mortadella, capricola, gabbagout, and mozzarella sandwich.