Fries go best with....?

Fries go best with...?

  • Plain

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Salt

    Votes: 24 23.3%
  • Ketchup

    Votes: 19 18.4%
  • Mayonnaise

    Votes: 19 18.4%
  • Mustard

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More than 1 of the above

    Votes: 25 24.3%
  • Other

    Votes: 16 15.5%

  • Total voters
Well, so far Ketchup and Mayo are tied at 12 votes. I still don't understand how you can view it as disgusting but anyway different people do have different tastes. Tell me this however, if we're talking about some really good and fresh fries, how can you live with substituting their awesome taste for that of ketchup?! I've tasted some really good ketchup and while I agree it's great it's not even remotely close to how good fries with salt taste. Mayonnaise may not be very healthy and it may not taste good on its own but tbh I can put it on the best fries and not regret it because it doesn't take over the taste, it just somehow accentuates it.

There are allot of things i would rather use then ketchup, but mayo seems really odd to me.. i will try it sometime though.
As i said: My favorite topping would be mayo with lots of garlic in it. :)
French Fries with Curry-Ketchup, Fritessaus and Onions.


Fritessaus is similair to mayonaise, but with a lot less fat.
Salt, mayonnaise, vinegar and Danish remoulade all get my approval. My personal favourite is fries with salt and good mayonnaise. Milkshake doesn't make sens, what the hell guys?! I don't care that I haven't tried it, I wouldn't put ice cream on a steak because somebody told me it was good... It just doesn't make any sense!
I'm with Notuern. Garlic mayo just rules on almost anything. (see my earlier post/pic) But sauce. Just some salt, pepper, coriander (I love coriander), and fresh lemon juice on the fries as soon as they're done cooking. Awesome stuff! Can't say I've even seen anyone dip their fries into a Wendy's Frosty or anything other milkshake or ice cream. I think it would turn my stomach to see that. Yuck.
^ I've seen people do that before, yes it did turn my stomach. Only because I imagine the fry would get soggy. Besides that, it seems to me that the frosty/shake/cream would completely take over the flavor, maybe leaving a salty after taste if they have salt. Sounds pointless.

Question arvoitus:

Does the "French Fries with Curry-Ketchup, Fritessaus and Onions" pictured above get soggy? Looks like it would.
I'm surprised salt isn't in a clear lead here.

Personally i think it kinda depends on where you get the fries. Frozen fries witch salt and ketchup. McDonalds fries always without ketchup (might use mayonnaise if the burger has too much :D). And same goes to other fastfood reastaurants i've been to.
I'm surprised salt isn't in a clear lead here.

Personally i think it kinda depends on where you get the fries. Frozen fries witch salt and ketchup. McDonalds fries always without ketchup (might use mayonnaise if the burger has too much :D). And same goes to other fastfood reastaurants i've been to.

To me salt is a necessity on pretty much any savory food...I don't think of it as a fry "topping."