Frolicking in Missouruh

The show went alright in the long run. Several bands cancelled and there was a major scheduling fiasco that caused some delays, but in the end we finally went onstage and though the crowd wasnt massive, they were enthusiastic and we wound up having a good time. Mike pulled through like a trooper on bass, considering the small amount of time he had to learn everything. The attendees and the other bands were all very cool and friendly, and they turned it into an enjoyable time for all of us, so thanks to anyone who went and supported.
Me, Paul, and my friends Mike & Derek drove down Friday after work. That's where the Bukkake jokes started. Just talking- not the real thing, of course. Stopped off for a break halfway through where I educated them all on the differences in beer that geographical changes bring about. For instance, Chicagoans do not have the opportunity to partake in wonderful beverages such as 'Natural Light' (made by Annheuser-Busch) and 'Stag' beers. These are staples of the Missourian's diet, especially when down on one's luck. Paul tried the Blue Pepsi, which he said tasted like Cotton Candy with a Pepsi aftertaste. Poore's Steak & Onion potato chips were a new flavor as well. Once we got near Jodi's house (my girlfriend), we stopped for some beer- Schlafly & Honey Brown for all, and we stayed up chatting about various topics. They informed Jodi what Bukkake was, and she seemed to understand fairly easily, with no need for further illustration.

Saturday, Jodi, friend Brandy, baby Colby, & I took Derek to the store where he nearly put his own eye out witnessing a 2.5-hour long grocery shopping spree. Mike and Paul wisely chose to sleep in, which I eventually realized was the healthiest choice for the morning. The midday was a blur for me- others started showing up, meat was burned, salsa was made, and much potato salad was consumed. Larry & Joe showed up, stayed for a while, and then decided to head over to the venue, where they were informed we were to be playing "NOW" (in the doorman's words, I believe). Unfortunately, the band order had changed a bit between Friday and Saturday. Mike & Angel had showed up by this time, so they had some food, we ran everyone else out and headed over. Walked in, tuned half my strings, and played a fun set for a pretty good crowd. The place reminded me of Riley's Rockhouse here in Chicago- small club, lots of black paint.

Paul, Jodi, Brandy, another Paul, and I went next door to Dapper Dan's. The first Paul had 43 double shots of Vodka. When he found out they ran out of Vodka, he blithered something about burying someone up to their neck in sand and stumbled outside to yell at people on the street. An hour later, he came in reeking of Brut Cologne and Jamba Juice and said that the Penguin had better shut up if he knew what was good for him. We smiled, he fell in a chair and we all talked about the five of us getting married and running off to Barbados for a few years. The other Paul is supposed to pick up the rings, but I think he'll forget.

Drove back Sunday. Stopped at Arby's. Not an eventful day. Joked more about Bukkake. Just talk- not the real thing, of course.
Well thanks guys for all the details of the weekend...

As far as beer...I went to college down at S.I.U in Carbondale, IL...and any "party" that I went to (which was quite few actually, I usually opted to hit the bars with live bands:D ) almost ALWAYS had a keg of Natural Light for some THIS Chicagoan has had the pleasure/displeasure of tasting it;)

Hmm, a show with scheduling problems??? You don't say!! I never heard of such a thing:lol: Glad things pulled through for ya...though it is disturbing that the place was reminiscent of Riley's (ack!). I have a love/hate relationship with Riley's. I love it because I have seen a lot of cool bands there (you guys included;) ), BUT, the small size, the way that they break the fire code nearly EVERY time there's a show there and the crappy equipment just never ceases to amaze me...nevermind the sorry state of the ladies room:bah:

Okay, so here is the inevitable question...what in the world is Bukkake? Forgive me for being ignorant, but if I don't know somethin', I ask...I figure it's better than walking around pretending like ya know it all, cuz eventually it catches up with your ass:devil: So, if someone wouldn't mind telling me what it is...umm, err, without going into graphic detail I suppose...I'd be most grateful:D
Originally posted by Novembers Paul
"St. Louis!.... The ONLY thing better than St. Bukkake." - Followed by 6 wild cheers from the crowd.
Derek was SO happy that you yelled that. He didn't think you were going to do it. I'm just glad we got it on film. You know, in case there's ever a DVD or something...