From the dark forests of Norway comes Blodørn!


Apr 13, 2007
In the forest
I give to you: me!
Hi, I'm Blodørn(Blood Eagle).. I'm a viking!
I live in the forests of Norway and enjoy drinking, listning to metal and performing viking-activities.

Some of my favorite bands are: Amon Amarth, Windir, Eineherjer, Bathory, Enslaved, Satyricon, Dimmu Borgir, Ensiferum, Mercyful Fate, Venom, Mötorhead, Megadeth, Metallica, Opeth, Patera, Pink Floyd, W.A.S.P, Apocalyptica, Arch Enemy, Gorgoroth, Black Label Society, Kreator, Iced Earth, Judas Priest, In Flames(before Clayman), Dark Tranquillity, Immortal, Finntroll, Darkthrone, Children of Bodom, Emperor, Old Man's Child, Arcturus, Behemoth, Black Sabbath, Cullion, Naglfar, Slayer and Vreid.

I also enjoy walking in the mountains and in the forests, like a true viking, allthough that might go under the "viking-activities" tab.^^

I play some guitar and growl, I altso enjoy playing ice-hockey.

Blodørn(or Blood Eagle / Spread Eagle) is by the way an execution method. You cut the unlucky victim near the spine, then break out his ribs so they look like blood-stained wings, then pull his lungs out. Ti's awsome!

All hail Blodørn!