Planetary Eulogy said:
Black metal isn't a sound, it's a concept or spirit. Beyond that, Summoning's basic style isn't terribly dissimilar from that of unquestioned black metal bands from Burzum to later model Graveland. You can't reduce black metal to a single aesthetic, its probably the most diverse genre in metal.
I take it you haven't heard the albums in question...
You mean like Thousand Swords?
Guitar, for instance...
And what does that tell you...
I'll let you in on a secret - very little actual 'folk music' is actually concerned with 'folklore' as such. That kind of mythological focus comes out of the Romantic tradition of which black metal is an heir, not out of any genuine folk tradition.
If it was Lugburz, then I would agree. But as far as I'm concerned, everything after it is not what I would call black metal.
I haven't heard too much of Thousand Swords or Celtic Winter, and what I did hear, I heard it like a year ago so I don't remember it that well. But if the whole album sounds like The Dark Battlefield song or like In The Glare Of Burning Churches or even Carpathian Wolves albums, then I'll stick to my comment.
There's a big difference between a band using the guitar to play some harsh riff or a beautiful melody and harmony.
Just because a lot of their lyrics are in Norwegian, doesn't mean that they are still not the same as the ones in English. I've read a couple of their song lyrics that were translated into English, maybe those few just happened to be more about being all evil instead of nationalistic. But I doubt that. I love Darkthrone though.
Even if that's the case, Storm's music itself is still very deeply rooted in folk music. Would you put Lord Wind on this compilation?
Truth is, I actually agree with a lot of what you're saying. I'm mostly just arguing for the hell of it since I'm pretty bored. But I think that there are other bands that should have been on this, like Mayhem, Immortal, Marduk, Dimmu Borgir (I know many people don't call them BM, but I don't know how someone could call old Graveland black metal and not For All Tid), Dodheimsgard, Ulver, Borknagar (if they are putting so many folk influenced bands, then Ulver and Borknagar should be there too).
I'm not an elitist and I don't really care so much that Storm, Summoning, Falkenbach and Kampfar are on the album. As I've said, I'm just arguing for the hell of it.