FS: 5150 II Modded Mercury Magnetics Trannys

I'm selling it because it's doing something similar to my 5150/5150III, as it it somewhat of a middle ground between the two.

This one has got harmonic saturation like the 5150 III, but it's a lot clearer, and definitely a bit thicker in the bottom end. The clean channel also sounds GREAT when you pop the NOS tube in there, and very nice before.

You can coax a nice variety of tones out of this beast. I'm really keeping it at a reasonable price considering the amount of work that went into it.

I used the Rectifier Cabinet for Awaken.
The fact alone that nobody's claimed this yet is fuckin' retarded.

This thing is a beast in all fronts. Sorry to hijack yer thread lolzgreg, but if I had the money I'd be all over this baby like stink on shit
I have receipts. You can talk to the tech who did the work too, or get an e-mail from them.

Are you interested?

The transformers inside of the amp are obviously marked, as well.