FS: RG1077XL Baritone 7, Blackouts, Tremol-No

I can't get into the overall feel of the Floyd - changes a lot about the response of the strings that I can't vibe with for some reason! That, and I feel like all I do on the 7 is chug-chug-chug, while on my 6's I tend to actually make music!
How does it sound with blackouts? I have 2077 which is a similar axe but with a new tremolo.
With the stock pickups the sound is a bit thin for my taste, very tight and "modern" though. I also have a tremol-no installed and it rules.
I like the blackouts - not quite as tight as 81's but tighter than 707's for sure. Higher output as well, and no problems with thinness. Big, tight, chunky, and well defined is the name of the game with these, at least in this axe.