FTR has made it to itunes store!


Feb 5, 2008
i was just surprised when i found it cuz up till now they havent been on there now they can take over the world with their music!!!!!!!!
the description the give them...:

this band deserves to be listened to by anyone who considers themselves a metalhead. With guitar harmonies a la Iron Maiden, thrash of bands by the name of Slayer and Testament, and the excellent melodies established by the Gothenberg sound. check out all their albums, you can't be dissapointed. Long live the Swamplords!!!!

horay Kalmah!! you are on your way to dominate the universe.. fuck just earth haha
iTunes sucks. D:

well some ceap bastards out there only wanna spend 9$ for the album so it doesnt suck to them... but i was just saying the fact that they are starting to hit these mainstream music sources. I myself would never DL music off itunes due to the fact that you have to authorize to play muisc on another PC and you only get 5 there is nothing better than holding an original kalmah CD... gold is worth less to me
Yeah, there's nothing like holding the real CD in your hands knowing its yours. Not just an mp3 you downloaded from a shit internet store which has copyrights, permision and restrictions tu its use.