fuck daylight savings time

7:19am and in 1 hour and 40 mins I'll finish the damn work and go to bed !
It's better now than it was before. I'd rather have it light at 6 PM than 6 AM.
^ haha yeah Max, I know what you mean... I used to get up at 5 am all the time too, and it was pich dark with no bird sound even... made me feel more like
I'm coming home late at night instead of actually leaving for work... bah!
i don't mind it as much as i used to, maybe because the earliest i have to get up for work now is 7 am! :headbang:

but yeah, it really sucks getting up at 5 am when it still looks like midnight.
I hated that with a passion back in school days. It starts here on march the 30th, so it will be - thank goat - on night before I'll start my internship.

But yes, fuck it, it causes as much problems as it has use to it.
On the other hand, getting that hour back in the fall is pure awesomeness!

But in general, that whole crap just adds to my already fucked up biorhythm. DST causes the energy bill to rise and the adjustment of the biorhythm is unhealthy. Conclusion: get fucking rid of it!