Fuck Gigantour.

Krigloch the Furious said:
why would you waste your time going to this tour?

I am "wasting" my time going to this tour to see Nevermore, since this will be my only chance to see them for a while. It's been almost 2 years and I'm jonesing. Needless to say, after they're done, I will probably go to the parking lot and party....sometimes finding them in the process :headbang:
Why wait for the main course when you can have an appetizer?
AjDeath said:
Twenty minute set? At 6 o'clock? Fuck that.

Needless to say I showed up late and missed them.
fashionably late is for the fashionable ;)

i showed up on time and saw them. kicked ass, but their set was WAY too short. for taht, screw you dave mustaine.
MajestikMøøse said:
If Will is fornicating what the fuck is he doing posting on this board simultaneously?

12 yard weanies are good for that stuff
hi all i would just like to say i was there it was awesome i missed bobaflex wich is ok cause ive never heard of them before but i saw the rest. i was about two digits away from winning the guitar..that kind of sucked.i got to meet the band even had pics taken with a few guys but warrel disapeared before i got to him for a pic i will maybe post them if my friend can figure out how to email them to me..lol im such a dork though i was like shaking and babbling to them like they give a damn about what i have to say..lol..it was cool though and my little bro whos 13 was with me he had a great time he got to meet them i dont think he knows how cool it is though that he was there and got to meet them but one day he'll realize it anyway that all i can think to tell i cant wait till they headline arould ct ill be there
That tour is just to make money.
They just want the name on the posters so people go and buy tickets.
Then when they show up the band only plays 20 min.

That's just fucked up. the same with ozzfest.
Too much bands. They seem to go Quantity before quality.
And it should be the other way around