Fuck it all and No fucking regrets


Proud Brisbane Metaller
Jul 28, 2001
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Sure another St. Anger thread I just wanted to say without it getting lost, that this is a very very very good fucking album, its what Metallica shoulda done after AJFA..it sounds like it was done in a week, and that James wrote the lyrics while he was in Rehab and time to reflest...but that adds to how good it is
Thats not a bad description Southy, kind of what I thought it might sound like.

As Gore said a few weeks back, when Metallica changed their sound for the black album, they did it to survive and stay on as a top heavy act. They lost alot of fans over it, and gained alot of new ones. I think St Anger will be the exact same deal. Modernizing their sound to keep up, and all the fans they lose will be replaced with new ones.
If ya got nuts ya wont dislike this album...fuck it if your a fan of Heavy music I think you will like it...only the people that like Metallica because its 'cool' to wont like this brilliant return to form
Just found out that none of the UK CDs have 'em, so I've filled out a highly secret area of the site to get me password :cool: should be here on Monday :headbang:
Mark said:
In what way is it nu metal, providing that nu metal is what was once referred to as 'rap metal'?:)

1. The singer wears a beanie
2. There are NO guitar solos
3. Everything is tuned down
4. Theres lots of swearing
5. Shithouse Ross Robinson style production
6. The songer screams a lot (out of key in this case!)
7. If it did not have the Metallica name on it, every metal fan would say it just yet another numetal band...

But I like numetal :D But this isnt one of the better examples of it I assure you :)
OK, I am up to track four, and while I can understand people not liking this album, it is still definately Metallica, and while I can hear some nu-metal influences, it ain't nu-metal. So far it sounds like a more aggressive and more metalish Load/Re-Load sound. As Southy said, the lack of solos goes unoticed, and the vocals are fine. The drum sound isn't really bad at all, the only complaint I have is the guitars are a little too quiet at times.

Spawny, buy the album before you make any more 'nu-metal' comments. :)
I will buy the album, but just because its Metallica doesnt mean it ISNT numetal. If ANY other band released it, everyone would classify it as numetal.
spawn said:
1. The singer wears a beanie
2. There are NO guitar solos
3. Everything is tuned down
4. Theres lots of swearing
5. Shithouse Ross Robinson style production
6. The songer screams a lot (out of key in this case!)
7. If it did not have the Metallica name on it, every metal fan would say it just yet another numetal band...

That also defines hardcore (and not the shitty pseudo-hardcore you get these days), which this album is closer to :)