Fuck Katatonia and their shitty moderator/board

Papa Josh

Minister of Propaganda
It would appear that Katatonia's moderator, Jesse, has banned me from the Katatonia board. All I did was post up that we played Katatonia on the latest episode of MSRCAST. Nothing more, nothing less.

It would appear that the rock n' roll gods Katatonia don't need or want the help of the underground anymore. :lol: Unfortunate, as I am/was a fan of the band's music.

No more Katatonia on MSRCAST.
Here was his response to my intial email.

jesse said:
Your thread was formatted exactly like spam, not like a personal message trying to network to fans of Katatonia. I noticed this immediately, so did the band -- and perhaps you didn't realize, but several forum members also complained about the thread as spam. If you want to promote your show, you can try to do so in a less-spam like way -- such as a personal message and not something you are copying and pasting from forum to forum.

Papa Josh said:
Why was the MSRCAST thread deleted?

Sure, it promoted our show, but our show and time is promoting the band.

Like this board, it is a tool to help promote the music that we enjoy, one of which is Katatonia. We don't make any money off of this, just something we enjoy doing.

It's rather unfortunate when you can't even use a message board to network to more of an audience. The band doesn't seem to mind when they are promoted and played, so why can't there be a symbiotic relationship where everyone benefits? Not a whole lot to ask, in my opinion.

Papa Josh
And his ever so classic second response before benning me.

jesse said:
Your attitude is disgusting. Fuck off.

Papa Josh said:
Hmmm, that's funny, I usually only post about the show in the self-promote board, our board and any board of a band that is featured. Other than that, nowhere else.... That hardly qualifies as spam. But I guess we just won't play anymore Katatonia, they obviously don't need or want our help.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: