Katatonia Kopy Kats :p

For fans of Rapture, Daylight Dies, ans other so-called Katatonia clones (I hate this word...), please have alisten to Greyswan first album "Thought-tormented minds". Probably my best album of the year so far....melancholy is so beautiful when well expressed....
The Scourge said:
How about Klimt 1918? I just heard Undressed Momento and I tell you, it sounds like Katatonia with a HUGE Police influence. Brilliant stuff.

Yea Klimt is good but definitely not in the Katatonia sound category IMO ;)
Klimt definitely has an 80's sound influence I like :grin:
Yes, GREYSWAN are very cool!

Also KLIMT 1918 rules! (For me it rules more then "greyswan")

@ucsbdude - Try to find the Demo of KLIMT 1918 "Secession makes post modern music" -- There you can here it more easy that the band has their roots from KATATONIA, hehe

Also the band THE ENTITY is a nice band to be mentioned!
Or what about ROOM WITH A VIEW?

And another band which really do some katatonia copy music of Brave Murder Day sound is "Process Of Guilt" from Portugal. But they have 2-3 very nice songs :-)
Lord_AgathoN said:
"They leave PL for dead, anyway." ????????????????????????????????

Well, seems to me that your mind is a little bit twisted.....
Sorry, but the brilliance of Gothic, Shades of God and Icon will never even be touched by Katatonia. I like Katatonia.....they are on my Top10......but old Paradise Lost are a whole different league.......maybe you should listen again to this jewels. Perhaps u never have to...

And what the hell is withering surface ripping off?

i couldnt agree more! PL pre-'host' is one of the best goth/dark/depressive/introspective (and countless others that i am too lazy to type) rockish metal.

but hey, even with 3 mediocre records as the last 3 releases, they still rock live!

anyone know why they stopped playing as i die live? that is just plain fucked up.
ucsbdude said:
No man, where you getting your information?? They still play it.
By the way PL's last album kicked ass :grin:

Man, I only saw them once, and that was the Chicago House Of Blues show. And unfortunately, not only did they not play As I Die, but they also omitted Forever Failure, which is like one of my top three metal songs of all time. Great show nonetheless, especially considering I waited over ten years to see them, but bittersweet.
ucsbdude said:
No man, where you getting your information?? They still play it.
By the way PL's last album kicked ass :grin:

i saw them with Opeth in Chicago and they didnt play 'as i die'. jackasses. the show, was superb and perfect! the only thing missing was the damn 'as i die' closer. ah well.

and yeah i liked symbol, but it pales in comparison to anything cept maybe One Second and that is a HUGE maybe.
Cerulean said:
I've had the chance about 5 times already to see em live but I don't give a flying fuck about Paradise Lost right now :erk: Sorry guyyyys

ok, ill bite, why dont you 'give a flying fuck' about PL right now?

just curious, so try not to get too testy please.
Well I've never been that much into Paradise Lost... Gothic and Shades of God have a few tracks that range from decent to quite good but the later albums bore me... Just my opinion aye :) I must be one of the very few doom-freaks that don't like Paradise Lost :o
It amazes me to hear someone, anyone, who claims to be a doom fanatic, or a Katatonic, and NOT like Paradise Lost. I hear shit to this day about newbies or seasoned metalheads that always say PL's peak was on Gothic or Shades of God. They have put out seven fucking albums out since Gothic!!!!!! And if there was a peak for PL, it was definitely Icon and Draconian Times. If you like depressive, self-loathing metal, but don't like those albums, then you really need to re-evaluate your musical constitution. Perhaps these words seem strong, but Icon and Draconian Times are classic and unforgettable gems in the annals of depressive metal history. Period.
The Scourge said:
It amazes me to hear someone, anyone, who claims to be a doom fanatic, or a Katatonic, and NOT like Paradise Lost. I hear shit to this day about newbies or seasoned metalheads that always say PL's peak was on Gothic or Shades of God. They have put out seven fucking albums out since Gothic!!!!!! And if there was a peak for PL, it was definitely Icon and Draconian Times. If you like depressive, self-loathing metal, but don't like those albums, then you really need to re-evaluate your musical constitution. Perhaps these words seem strong, but Icon and Draconian Times are classic and unforgettable gems in the annals of depressive metal history. Period.

been through and seen a lot, but one thing i have learned is that one persons gem is anothers trash. now i may not agree with mr blue, but i have to say that he has a valid point about what HIS oppinion is. i LOVE gothic and DT but i can see how others would stick to the Gothic, LP and SoG era and say they peaked there.
not what i would call truth, i take em to One Second and pretty much stop. and there is just no changing anyones oppinion without a begotten son and a cross to nail him on.

so keep it true mr Blue as will the rest of us in thinking you are sooooo wrong about where the good shit ends.

oh, and fuck god. i always have to say that when i make biblical references.
Hehehe, hey man, just letting my passions rule my will is all. Yeah, it's cool if someone doesn't like what I like. I have just gotten to the point that I am so sick and fucking tired of all the PL bashers out there(nothing personal guys) that I had to lash out. Kind of like an ejaculation of negative energy if you will. And holy Christ, it felt good. I do, and always will respect the freedom of everyone's subjective criticism. Just know that I will always be around the corner to give my two cents is all. Cheers. :)
The Scourge said:
It amazes me to hear someone, anyone, who claims to be a doom fanatic, or a Katatonic, and NOT like Paradise Lost. I hear shit to this day about newbies or seasoned metalheads that always say PL's peak was on Gothic or Shades of God. They have put out seven fucking albums out since Gothic!!!!!! And if there was a peak for PL, it was definitely Icon and Draconian Times. If you like depressive, self-loathing metal, but don't like those albums, then you really need to re-evaluate your musical constitution. Perhaps these words seem strong, but Icon and Draconian Times are classic and unforgettable gems in the annals of depressive metal history. Period.
Sorry that my taste concerning PL differs from most other doom fanatics. Period.
I gave them up after 'Draconian Times' and the downfall of this once great band peaked in the pile of crape called 'Host'. After that it couldn't get worse but the other following albums suck though. So to say, while gems like 'Gothic' will find their place in the anals of doom history, crap like 'Host' can be found where it belongs, namely in the ANALS...
The words may be harsh and collides with others' tastes, but that's just my humble opinion.

Concerning PL live. Ive seen them twice, last time in 2002 on the Summer Breeze and while the rest of the band tried to give a good show to the audience, Mr. Holmes the rock star sucked big time. He even went to the back of the stage several times, hid behind the drumkit and sounded so bored and fucked up that he ruined the whole gig.

And btw, I'd rather go with no 'As I Die' than to get 'As I Die' in the new bullshit version they use to play nowadays.