Fuck (most) Raider fans

Hey mark, the "Gaider Nation" is a bunch of faggots who like to get dressed up as pirates. And plus Rich Gannon LOVES THE COCK :lol:
Dude admit it, Chuckie 0wnz the Gaiders, he fucking knows them. Sapp, Brooks and the whole fucking TAMPA BAY D will 0wn Gannon and Gardener like fucking NOTHING. Gannon will be injured by half time, no FUCKING DOUBT.
Just watch the magic happen, bitchboy.
Originally posted by John Edwards
Hey mark, the "Gaider Nation" is a bunch of faggots who like to get dressed up as pirates. And plus Rich Gannon LOVES THE COCK :lol:
Dude admit it, Chuckie 0wnz the Gaiders, he fucking knows them. Sapp, Brooks and the whole fucking TAMPA BAY D will 0wn Gannon and Gardener like fucking NOTHING. Gannon will be injured by half time, no FUCKING DOUBT.
Just watch the magic happen, bitchboy.

I didn't think it was possible, but just like putting a man on the moon, knocking down the Berlin Wall, and peace in the Middle East, it's happened.

You got dumber.

Anytime you feel like you've had enough of being owned, let me know and I'll quit making you look stupid in front of your zero friends.

And I asked you before, care to bet on the game? I'm sure mommy and daddy will advance you a week's allowance.
I bet some Gaider qwag at my school a mere $5. But the bet consists of either team winning by 7 points or less. :lol:
I guess I have to just hope for them to win by a LITTLE BIT now, instead of the initial crushing they WERE going to give them.:lol:
What I'm saying is, Chuckie has developed many personal relationships with the players. He knows their strengths and weaknesses.
A little off topic, but did anyone else think that the commercials during the Super Bowl sucked? They usually have a lot of funny beer commercials, this year it was car commercials and abc promotions.
Yeah the commercials sucked. The Bud Light ones were funny, and I liked the Office Linebacker, but that's about it.

Go Bucs. :)