Fuck Nokia. With a rake.

So, I'm on a plan with a Nokia e75 for another year. The way I originally got into the plan is a long and slightly comedic story, so I won't go there. The e75 is supposed to be a decent business phone. Or so I thought. In addition to lots and lots of trouble with Symbian and the phone itself, this happened yesterday evening:

1. The phone started yelling at me that there isn't enough free space on the phone's memory.
2. I don't save ANYTHING on the phone memory (I have a memory card for that), and I couldn't find anything that took space with the phone's own File Browser. I tried to remove the Spotify client, which for some reason wanted to be installed on the phone's memory. "CANNOT INSTALL. NOT ENOUGH MEMORY." WHAT?!
3. Eventually, I figured out it's the e-mail I have synced to the phone. The sync is configured so that the phone SHOULDN'T download the messages but just read them from the server, but for one reason or another that hadn't work. Excellent.
4. I tried to change the Nokia Mail setting so that it would save the messages on the memory card so that it wouldn't take space from the very limited phone's internal memory. Turns out this is not possible. I'd have to pay $25 for a 3rd party e-mail application that could allow such luxury.
5. Fuck, fair enough. I'll just empty the messages from the phone's memory and repeat that when I run out of space again. Right? Uh, right. I selected the messages and marked them for deletion.
6. I'm sitting at the computer while doing this, and suddenly I notice something strange going on the computer's screen. The e-mails are disappearing from the server. Massive panic. The Nokia stopped reacting to key presses and kept deleting the messages, so I quickly took the battery out.
7. Result: Six months of e-mails (and this is my business e-mail account, mind you) permantently lost. Gladly I have them downloaded on my iMac and I take nightly backups, too, but I often need to access my work mails when I'm at another studio, in school, on the road etc., and now quite a bit of the messages are long gone. Fuck my life.

I'm fed up with Nokia. This is my third Symbian phone, and I haven't been 100% happy with any of them. Not even 50%. I think I'll just order a Desire HD and pay the rest of this plan anyway.
I was a very happy Nokia user and skeptical to go with any other kind of phones up to the day my wife gave me a Samsung Galaxy 5, with Android. Holy shit, what a difference. Could never been happier. Also tried a Sony Eriksson Xperia 10 on the other day, also with Android, and it is telephone awesomeness.
I used to own the Nokia N73, which was great in my opinion.. but i have friends who bought the later ones and all i hear is them bitching about having to reboot their phones 3-4 times a day to get them to work properly. :/
I used to own the Nokia N73, which was great in my opinion.. but i have friends who bought the later ones and all i hear is them bitching about having to reboot their phones 3-4 times a day to get them to work properly. :/

I had an N73 before this one. Took it to be repaired four times during the 2-year period. I was left with an old, crappy 40e exchange model for about 10 weeks total, and every time I lost my contacts, messages and settings even though I specifically asked them to just fix the hardware failures if possible, and couldn't restore them from backups.

The joystick fell off twice, the phone completely killed itself once, and the microphone went dead twice. Add in the extreme slowness of the phone (opening the main menu shouldn't take five seconds) and the OS bugs and I was ready to set it on fire.

And believe it or not, I'm EXTREMELY careful with all my equipment, be it guitars, recording gear or even cell phones.
Had a NOkia N73 too, the joystick fell, the screen died, crashed at least once daily.

My 5800, the thing thing. Screen died, multiple reboots, hangs, battery wouldnt connect perfectly, then the mainboard died.
Honestly, I don't know how Nokia can still be so popular (apparently still the #1 cell phone manuf. in the world in terms of sales) - granted, none of their even remotely decent phones make it on major carriers over here (the e71x was ok for it's time, I guess, but for a phone with that form factor I would've much rather had a Blackberry), but from all that I've read on tech sites about Symban and their phones, they seem to be utterly eclipsed and outmoded by Android/iOS and Apple/HTC/Samsung/Motorola, respectively. GET WITH THE PROGRAM FINLAND.
Honestly, I don't know how Nokia can still be so popular (apparently still the #1 cell phone manuf. in the world in terms of sales) - granted, none of their even remotely decent phones make it on major carriers over here (the e71x was ok for it's time, I guess, but for a phone with that form factor I would've much rather had a Blackberry), but from all that I've read on tech sites about Symban and their phones, they seem to be utterly eclipsed and outmoded by Android/iOS and Apple/HTC/Samsung/Motorola, respectively. GET WITH THE PROGRAM FINLAND.

It's because they were the first, the biggest, and the coolest. It permanently injected the Nokia-mindset on people, and that's why they're still selling. In my eyes, the company is doomed in the near future unless they start to change drastically before the Nokia-mindset starts fading.
Had a E76 for 3 years or so... Performend quite good till my dog ate it. No joke. Now happy with a Sony Ericsson X10 mini pro. I know, it's a women phone. But tbh, I don't give a shit, it's small and does it's job.
I had an N73 before this one. Took it to be repaired four times during the 2-year period. I was left with an old, crappy 40e exchange model for about 10 weeks total, and every time I lost my contacts, messages and settings even though I specifically asked them to just fix the hardware failures if possible, and couldn't restore them from backups.

The joystick fell off twice, the phone completely killed itself once, and the microphone went dead twice. Add in the extreme slowness of the phone (opening the main menu shouldn't take five seconds) and the OS bugs and I was ready to set it on fire.

And believe it or not, I'm EXTREMELY careful with all my equipment, be it guitars, recording gear or even cell phones.

Wow, i dropped mine on the floor like 5 times without anything major happening to it.
My dad had it for like 2 years before he gave it to me, and i had it for about 2 years without any big issues at all.
The biggest issue i had with it was that the push-function on the joystick stopped working, but all i had to do was clean the keypad and it worked perfectly again.

And i never experienced any slowdowns in the operative either(With the exception for snapping photos.. the focus was soooooo slow.).
Yep, ive pretty much abandoned Nokia. Symbian is dying (or whatever the hell they are using now!)! I just got a blackberry bold 9780 (financed by work :D) which is pretty cool, except for the fact that if i make a phone call whilst im attached to my wireless network it will bring the network down, and also cut off the call that i am half way through.
Wow, i dropped mine on the floor like 5 times without anything major happening to it.
My dad had it for like 2 years before he gave it to me, and i had it for about 2 years without any big issues at all.
The biggest issue i had with it was that the push-function on the joystick stopped working, but all i had to do was clean the keypad and it worked perfectly again.

And i never experienced any slowdowns in the operative either(With the exception for snapping photos.. the focus was soooooo slow.).

Oh yeah, forgot the mention the camera committed suicide once, too. When I opened the camera cover, the phone initialized the camera and then went to an endless loop of opening and closing it. I needed a ton of luck to push the camera button just between the flickering :D Had to replace the entire plastic chassis and the camera cover sensor.
Omfg, either you just had bad luck or we just had good luck(My brother and one of my friends had one as well.).
I think phones are becoming too much complicated and they start to have the same problems of normal computers.
I bought a used iphone 3g last week...nice phone, but the new ios is really heavy, low frame rates.....I mean...it's a phone. Actually we run benchmark on phones...it's pretty ridicolous :D