Just scored a new phone.


Renegade Folk Hero
Jun 11, 2009
N.S.W. Australia
So thanks to the shitty network coverage of the provider I was with I missed out on a trial shift for a job I'm trying to get. So I decided enough was enough and switched providers and plans (I'll get a final bill for the remainder of my contract, some $100-$200).


So now I am one of those people with a wanky PDA phone with more features than they'll actually use. The best part is I actually get service with it, and got called in for a shift on Tuesday not half an hour after switching over. Go me.
The manager at work just got that same phone. He was pretty impressed by it when it was within range of his previous phone it gave an option to import contacts via bluetooth and connect to wireless internet. It seems like way too many buttons for something designed to make a phone call, BUT, I'd love to have one :lol:
Heh, I just swapped my levitating, glowing and talking Nokia to an LG I got brand new for 19e. I took the Nokia to be serviced for the third fucking time, and got another Nokia I could use until I'd get my own back. Well, that one was faulty, too, so I took it back and bought the simpl, student price LG for the hell of it. Now I'm paying 20e/month for a Nokia I don't even want to use anymore :)
Who was the shitty provider? Had hassles like this being a casual for the last 3 years, went to OPTUS and now everythings cool, oh, and I just scored a full time job, so no more sleeping or showering or shitting with the phone on me! :lol:

Funnily enough, the provider was Optus.

You get better phones on cap plans with Optus but way better coverage out of Telstra's dual band network.
The manager at work just got that same phone. He was pretty impressed by it when it was within range of his previous phone it gave an option to import contacts via bluetooth and connect to wireless internet. It seems like way too many buttons for something designed to make a phone call, BUT, I'd love to have one :lol:

I did my best to balance being pragmatic against being a nerd, but it obviously wasn't good enough.

I figure I have to spend the next 2 years of my life with it, it may as well be something with a little prestige.
Congrats man, nice looking gadget. Hows the speaker on that phone, some people were having terrible trouble with the speaker on the E-series over here?
I need a new one... bad. I have an LG ENV-2. Keeps turning itself off, the keys aren't responding as well as they used to... and honestly, I've become a busy guy lately and need to have access to email / web. So... I may be jumping on either the Blackberry or iPhone bandwagon soon.

I used to have an HTC Apache, which was on Widows mobil and I loved it, then moved to a Samsung I730, and loved it, but they were both so big to carry around, and I refuse to get one of those gay ass belt holsters for my phone (no offense if you have one.. ;)). I think they've come down in size enough that I can get it into my front pants pocket without an issue.
Congrats man, nice looking gadget. Hows the speaker on that phone, some people were having terrible trouble with the speaker on the E-series over here?

Well it's not even a day out of it's box but all my calls have been dandy so far, and the necrophagist solo's I put on for message and ring tones sound good. :blush: