Smart phone w/ data plan or netbook?


Mar 21, 2010
New York
So working at Radio Shack has stoked the gadget GAS fires within me, but I still wanna be smart with my money, so I've decided I want to get either a smart phone with a data plan or a netbook (just using wifi for the latter). I'm leaning towards the netbook since I can check my email from pretty much any phone (without having to purchase the data plan), but I dunno, having internet access wherever I go would be pretty cool; I guess I'm wondering, from you dudes with smart phones and data plans: what are some of the uses to you that I might not have thought of? Cuz if all it's for is facebook mobile, browsing the web, etc., that is totally not worth the cost to me...

Oh, and I'm aware I could get a data plan for the netbook with one of those little USB antennas, but $60/month can fuck off SO hard
I got rid of my netbook and my Android smartphone has closed the gap perfectly because it can basically do as much... and even more.

The only thing the netbook was better at, was for typing longer texts (for papers etc.) on the train and it also functioning as a ultra-mobile recording device.

But other than that, the smartphone has come in handy sooo many times. Especially on tour it's awesome to have such a highly portable device functioning as web access vehicle, media player, navigation system, gaming console, camera etc. etc.

No need for me to carry multiple devices any more.

I can't count how often it was a blessing to have access to Google Maps on the fly...
Get a Droid, dude.. It's the combination of the both. I had a Motorola Droid (Verizon) and it was essentially a fuckin' mini computer with EXTREMELY fast internet/phone capabilities.

You can do ANYTHING on a Droid.
If I could afford it, I'd have a Droid. Those things are killer. KILLER. Everyone that I know who owns one, loves it.

That said, I have a netbook that I use for email, surfing, I bring it in to work when I know I'll have meetings, etc. And I really like it - once I got used to the slightly smaller keyboard, that is. But for normal surfing, email, etc. it screams along and the battery lasts forever.

And the best part is when I move from that to my old Compaq lappy that I use strictly for audio now - the screen feels like a MONSTER in comparison :)
I have a blackberry and while I'm sure the Droid is probably cooler, I definitely love my BB. Any post you've seen from me in the last month or so has been from my phone, as I've been without internet at my new place until this very day. So yea, if you're looking for portable internet access, why not go fully portable and get something that fits in your pocket and will work nearly everywhere?

Since I suck at typing on normal computers, typing messages (or forum posts) on my blackberry really isn't much of an inconvenience. Regular web surfing is too slow to be worthwile on my phone however, mainly because the screen is small and I have to zoom in and navigate around to read things, but it's great if you're somewhere miles from home or wifi and you're really curious about something google (or sneapsters) might be able to help you with. It's also nice having my email sync'd to my phone, as I get my emails as soon as they come in. This is mainly convenient for the fact that I can immediately trash junk mail as soon as it comes in rather than be buried in it by the time I get around to checking it, but it also helps with sharing ideas with my band, seeing as I live in a different state.
Smart phone + data plan + hack knowledge on the phone is PRICELESS. Of course be responsible with that knowledge, but something as basic as jailbreaking an iPhone comes in handy.
I dunno, you guys make good points, but a netbook has the advantage of being able to legitimately browse the net when I'm in a wi-fi hotspot; I can't believe reading this forum is anything less than an utter pain in the ass on a freakin' phone screen, but perhaps I'm wrong? Also, a netbook can do anything a full-sized computer can, chief among those things being editing audio on my train commute, or composing in Guitar Pro, which are the big appeals for me (and they're so small and light, and I carry my backpack with me pretty much wherever I go, so it wouldn't be a hassle)

And there's no way I'm getting an iphone simply because as far as I know, there's no way to get any sort of discount on one even if you sign up for a plan (unlike with other phones, though I could be wrong on that, still in training at "The Shack" :D)
I have an iPhone, and yeah it's actually not as easy as typing on my computer. But it's okay, I've done it many times.

Having a phone with a data plan is incredibly handy. From anywhere I can check mails, buy a ticket, find a restaurant, play a game, phone (of course :lol:), check this very forum... Anything.

The iPhone is good for the feeling you get browsing with it. It's super fast, smooth. No other phone ever reached that level.

BUT I guess an android phone is much more flexible. Maybe a bit more like a computer. You know, an iPhone is a bit like a Macintosh : you can do all basic stuff pretty well with the implemented applications, but you are less free to do what you want on it.
Oh, and I'm aware I could get a data plan for the netbook with one of those little USB antennas, but $60/month can fuck off SO hard

60 a month? what a ripoff. It's like 15-20€ a month here.

Iphone is the best, ever. Any good smartphone is for me a no-brainer when choosing between it and a netbook, I have a 15" laptop which currently is my only computer, but it´s big and heavy and I don`t carry it everywhere like I would a netbook.

Currently I´ve been indulging in the pleasures of wiritng literature, and although I started on my laptop I am now fully writing everything on my Iphone. These smartphones can do whatever you imagine, and I do browse this forum and post often through my Iphone. About composing, well there are some cool apps for writing music, I don´t think there´s guitar pro yet, not a full midi functionality, but there are various ways to record some quick ideas from your guitar to the Iphone, plus some apps that turn the screen into a virtual fretboard and lets you record some quick riffing but that one´s pretty uncomfortable to get right so I don´t use it.

About the plans, Here in Spain there is a way to get an Iphone for dirt cheap (like 20euro the cheapest) but with a very expensive data plan (and very good of course) that with the normal calling plan would be around 60 euro a month, maybe more I can´t remember but I know cause I was looking to upgrade to a 3gs. Anyways, that´s here, don´t know the options in USA. And plus, when I get on the train here I loose phone signal most of the trip, so no internet for my phone or any netbook with a usb thingy
Like 75% of my forum browsing/posting is done from my iPhone.

Also sick for the GPS when I need directions. Free long distance Skype calls to other Skype users, but with my phone instead of talking into a computer. Upload pics, videos, and crap straight to the net from my phone if some once in a lifetime sight shows up somewhere where I don't have a camera, etc.

Get a phone dude, my phone has pretty much replaced my laptop and my laptop has replaced my studio desktop :lol:
Get a Droid, dude.. It's the combination of the both. I had a Motorola Droid (Verizon) and it was essentially a fuckin' mini computer with EXTREMELY fast internet/phone capabilities.

You can do ANYTHING on a Droid.


I got a Droid from my local Best Buy as an upgrade on my Verizon plan for $130. It costs me $50 a month on my dad's bill for unlimited data + unlimited Verizon texting (and 5k non-Verizon texting.)

I wasn't used to texting on it at first because I've never been good with keyboards or a touch keyboard. On my Dare, I used to use the standard phone keypad mode with T9. Within a week, I got used to texting with the physical keyboard and now I'm just as fast.

I opted not to get a Blackberry because I couldn't stand the 160 character text limit, and the keys are too small for my fingers (smaller than on my Droid, for sure.)

The Market is extremely useful - I can access Facebook, Myspace, Youtube, Pandora, weather and news reports, Metal-Archives, etc etc etc all from the main menu (ala the iphone.) The GPS/Google Maps app has saved my ass on NUMEROUS occasions where I was driving at night and had no clue exactly where the fuck I was going.

The only thing I dislike is that viewing webpages, you often have to zoom in a lot to read (and to reply to forum messages etc.) But if you can get over that, it's an extremely useful thing. Really, any smartphone is - it's a mini-computer and well worth the price imo. I can sit at work and read an ebook while on break, or while in school.

I can't say enough good things about smartphones in general, but especially the Droid. I always figured "what the hell do I need all that for in a phone when I have a computer" but sometimes you really do need to be able to look things up on the go, or to use Google Maps to find where the hell you're going at night on roads with no street lights.
My droid has also replaced my ipod. Being able to use my phone to jam tunes at work and in my car has been pretty damn handy. The fact that they put a normal headphone jack on the thing is need to buy some silly bluetooth headphones or a mini plug or anything.