Smart phone w/ data plan or netbook?

My droid has also replaced my ipod. Being able to use my phone to jam tunes at work and in my car has been pretty damn handy. The fact that they put a normal headphone jack on the thing is need to buy some silly bluetooth headphones or a mini plug or anything.

I dont use the Droid for music, only because my ipod has 114gb on it. Pretty much anything I could ever want to listen to while on the go (or just laying in bed high as fuck/drunk as fuck/etc), and they don't make miniSD cards that big yet. I'm extremely ADD about music on the go, I generally listen to a different album everytime I get into the car.
Like 75% of my forum browsing/posting is done from my iPhone.

Also sick for the GPS when I need directions. Free long distance Skype calls to other Skype users, but with my phone instead of talking into a computer. Upload pics, videos, and crap straight to the net from my phone if some once in a lifetime sight shows up somewhere where I don't have a camera, etc.

Get a phone dude, my phone has pretty much replaced my laptop and my laptop has replaced my studio desktop :lol:

Mr. Wathan speaks nothing but the truth, I agree 100%, the GPS has saved my ass soooo many times since I´m in Europe that it´s lame to think about life without it anymore :notworthy