need a new pda/cell phone

Seriously considering jumping from Verizon to either AT&T or Straight Talk (AT&T). I'm currently paying forty shillings a month for a dumb phone, which is fine, as it's more than adequate for all my communication needs. However, the forty dollar price tag is a slap in my nads. I was paying $55 a month for this same dullard tech no more than two months ago. That's when I casually logged into My Verizon and noticed that these Irwin R. Scheisters had restructured their plans to compete with T-Mobile and AT&Tittay. I quickly re-did my plan, got a few extra hundred minutes that I will never use, and a couple extra kopecks to jingle. CSR bint I spoke to when I made the move confirmed that my 22% employee discount would still be in tact, (which isn't the case.) All I want is a measly few hundred minutes of talk, unlimited sext, and a scant amount of data. All this and less, would cost me near $60+ under verizon, stinking pilferers. Thinking about getting an old blackberry 9900 or hold off for their Q20 to rock my physical qwerty. (I want a communication device, not something built for CERN.) :mad:
I had Straight Talk on AT&T's network and had no problems with it. Never once had my data throttled. Only switched so I could pay less...currently I pay $35 per month for AT&T GoPhone service with 500 minutes, unlimited text, and unlimited data (on a basic phone only). They ditched that plan though; now they have a $45 and $25 plan for basic phones, and smartphone plans are higher. If I were faced with that, I'd just go with Straight Talk. If you do, make damned sure you're getting a Straight Talk phone or sim card on AT&T's network. Well, really anything except the phones on Sprint's network.
For being a loyal customer and a stand up fellow, Verizon lowered my bill by ten shillings. This will continue for aslong as I stay out of contract, which shall be for perpetuity. Contracts are for the uninitiated.
I think I need a new phone, my Droid is taking a shit more often than usual. I'm on Verizon. I don't like spending money. Suggestions?

I am also considering going back to a flip phone. The only time I use shartphone technology is for maps and Yelp. I have those at home.
I think thats pretty much you and 75% of humanity. Except about once or twice a month a situation comes along where you're really glad to have internet on the go, so overpriced smartphones it is.
That was post 808 of yours, you should've made the bass drop.

I will say that shartphones are AWESOME for car repair needs. Looking up part numbers at the store, finding tutorials about shit that you can view whilst in very awkward angles in the midst of it all, etc. Very nice, nice like Yelp.

I think I'll keep my Droid until it explodes like the last one did. Well it didn't so much as explode as it did reset every 3 seconds, but explode sounds cooler.
I think I need a new phone, my Droid is taking a shit more often than usual. I'm on Verizon. I don't like spending money. Suggestions?

I am also considering going back to a flip phone. The only time I use shartphone technology is for maps and Yelp. I have those at home.

I talked to a Verizon online sales rep for shits n giggles the other day and nearly exchanged expletives with the fucktard. I was merely inquiring on how much my bill would go up if I upgraded to a smart phone out of contract, and the Uptonface was acting rather e-smarmy over why I had no desire to double my bill from $29, to a $60 1GB of data plan. I honestly want zero data, why isnt this a possibility? Can I have a nice phone that isnt bogged down with some 5G LTE XL MNOPoS service? Wi-Fi shall suffice quite nicely, as I would only be using such features sparingly at work where wifi- runs like Camacho from the cops. So it looks like I'll be buying every Verizon Razzle (only dumb phone that doesnt look like shit) off of ebay, and sticking with the $29 a month price tag. Fucking schiesters!
Same here. Mine is AT&T at $65 for 1 GB. I'm almost universally near somewhere with blazing fast wi-fi and I haven't even turned on the cellular data service yet.
Ftr, there are even cheaper data plans if you're interested. I had a dumb phone for years and found it be a pain in the ass....slow texting, weak service, horrible sound and connection. I'm glad to move on to this iPhone.
I had a dumb phone for years and found it be a pain in the ass....slow texting, weak service, horrible sound and connection. I'm glad to move on to this iPhone.

Heh? I can text like a damn loon on this dumb phone, and such "smart" phone downsides like "freezing" pretty much never occur. Service with Verizon is of exemplary quality, where you can pretty much be stuck in Mojave and get a full bar signal. Also not stuck in the cloud like some damn carebear.

For an extra $10 a month, I'd sellout to the man. Doubling my bill for the privelege? Uh uh.