need a new pda/cell phone

i seriously do not understand why people want BIGGER PHONES

not trying to start shit, i genuinely don't understand this desire. what is it that you do with your telephone that the iphone 5's display size will not be enough for?

i remember the 90's when the race was towards SMALLER phones. that fuckin ruled.
alright, fine whatever floats yer boat

i personally think the iphone screen is just fine for all kinds of web browsing and reading and shit

i think the galaxy s3 and s4 (friends and family own these) are already bordering on awkwardly huge, would not be too happy about a note
Back in 2000 I totally had a Nokia 8210 and it was awesome. Actually I think it still lives in my garage along other forms of outmoded technology.
^That phone ruled. It had that atari caterpillar game on it; worm or some shit. It was the first cell I had and lasted maybe 3 weeks before I dropped it in the toilet while pissing. They detected water damage and I couldnt afford another at teh time so that was that. Didn't own another cell phone until 2008 and got a Razor. Still the best phone ever although it doesnt have a keypad for texting. That thing survived so much bullshit. I still have it and actually had to use it a couple years ago when I dropped another cell phone in the toilet while pissing. I know.
i tried using the 8210 as my main phone again a couple years ago

unfortunately they have a flaw where the screen fades with time so it looked a bit shit

also it only stores 15 text messages so thats a bit annoying

but yeah that was a GREAT phone. out of the at least 10 different old ass nokias ive had, that was my fav
My mom uses my Nokia 3390. I've offered to buy her something that would at least hold a charge longer, but she's not interested. Can't say I blame her. I'm using a Pantech flip phone now, and I've found that I don't miss the QWERTY keyboard at all for texting. Predictive text with the numeric keypad works fine, and it's actually easier on my thumbs than reaching way over to the left for a W or way over to the right for a P and such.
^That phone ruled. It had that atari caterpillar game on it; worm or some shit.
Snake! The greatest thing ever. Back in the days before texting, and $4 per minute talking, Snake was the path of righteousness from out the pallor of boredom.
And your turd grows longer and longer as the snake on the game grows in length. Wait, shouldn't we be talking about penises? Nah.

I'm due for an upgrade. Currently have an iPhone 4s and installed iOS7. It's pretty bleh and boring and craptacular.

Tempted to just grab an iPhone 5s for reliability - but the customization of an Android is nice. Then again, the last two Android phones I had worked great for a year then dragged ass afterwards. Bleh.
android devices are generally made to lower standards than iphones

manufacturers have been caught using shitty quality nand flash chips that do not survive very many write cycles before slowing down and eventually failing. this may be whats happened to you

ios 7 is literal shit but hardware-wise, the iphone 5 and, i assume, its derivatives are absolutely in a league of their own

also android is retarded shit

its like windows 95 for phones
Ugh, FUCK cell phones and FUCK everyone who thinks you are obligated to answer every fucking ring you get. So irritating. When my phone rings, it's seriously like nails running down a chalkboard.

The odds of everyone already seeing this video are possibly high, given the frickin' 24 million views, and it might have already been posted in this very thread. But I just saw it today. With the sound off, because I don't like computers that make sounds. I liked it. So I shared.
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^^^ So that video is a bit of an exaggeration, but I swear to poop I witnessed almost every instance contained therein last night at a popular deli/bar in the Orange County of California. I'm not really big on crowds much these days, so usually when I'm around a large one, I'm engaging in some Liquid Substance Harmonic Balancing to settle my nerves. Last night I drove so I had but one beer at the beginning of our journey, so for once I was able to remember and enjoy the evening quite clearly! And that was fine. The company was solid, the food was spectacular, the band rocked, and the bar was nice.

However, the crowd increased exponentially by 9pm or so, and all I could see around me were people taking pictures of themselves or buggering about on Facebutt. Not just for a quick slight dip in outside stimulation moment, or here's one shot to relive what we'll certainly blackout of in a few hours, but continuously with reckless abandon. Of course, I mostly stayed quiet and watched the band, so we all have distractions I suppose! But it was interesting to watch this current crop of twentysomethings completely attach themselves to shartphones much like the digital data-plan parasites that they have become. Weird.