need a new pda/cell phone

Can't 100% of everything done on a Shartphone be traced relatively easy?

The only way to protect oneself is to not give a shit about who is watching what.

Or maybe not put every last detail of one's life onto digital socialized networking.

[/public post #35,585]
That's what I've always assumed. People got upset over this because it made them realize that if they post pictures of their kids, some pervert can track down the location of where the picture was taken, and, if it was taken at their home or school, then they know where to find the kid and snatch them.
I just pictured my friend Aqualung, sitting on a park bench, Instagramming little girls with bad intent.
If you're smart you disallow GPS access to stuff like Instagram and Facebook so photos cannot be traced to a location. This is trivial to do on iOS and, I assume, Android.
hey lurch have you realized how i'm right about everything all the time?

- nokia is absolutely doomed, without question, and the 920 will likely be the last flagship-type phone they ever make. microsoft will purchase their ravaged carcass and probably put out ms-branded hardware with windows phone 9, and it will fail at least as hard as the two previous iterations. rinse, repeat

now watch how the second part of that prediction (the bit about "microsoft" phones crashing and burning really horribly) will come true within the next couple of years
I upgraded to ios 7 and it is fucking shit

Apple has officially jumped the shark

Its only gonna be downhill from here, sell your stock now if youve got it
They made a plastic iPhone now, right? If Jobs were still alive, I'd say "ooh this will turn into something neat, he knows what's what." Since he's not, I'm agreeing with the sharkjumping. I haven't even powered up my iPad in months, no idea if generation one is subject to the new iOS.

I got a new Droid RAZR because after about 18 months mine started resetting every 5 minutes. That was pretty neat really, it was a whole new adventure in technology. For whatever reason even out of warranty, Verizon sent me a free refurbished replacement, so that was cool.

Smartphones are probably the most amazing yet stupid devices ever. I mean think about what they can do. 20 years ago this was science fiction, they are literally the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Today it's like "ehh, this is lame, wtf." I feel the same way about them. Just funny is all.
Smartphones are probably the most amazing yet stupid devices ever. I mean think about what they can do. 20 years ago this was science fiction, they are literally the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Today it's like "ehh, this is lame, wtf." I feel the same way about them. Just funny is all.

the problem is that all this AMAZING TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS we have these days is indeed amazing, but it is also driven by nothing but corporate greed

so you have these things that are technically really really cool, but they are used universally for doing evil, so they end up sucking

almost literally all the cool technology we have was driven by either the desire to kill people more efficiently or to hoover money from their wallets more efficiently

truly it is no wonder our world is a hellscape of garbageshit
@Erik: Absolutely.

"Hey man check out this rad device, every time I click on this button my bank account drains by $0.25 and 3 small children lose their pinky fingers in an electronic loom."


"Hey man check out this rad device, every time I click on this button the cure for cancer advances one step further and another head of lettuce grows in my victory garden."
downgraded to ios 6.1.4

best to do so while u still can

that shit was intolerable
:lol: This occurred about 3 miles away from me.


PASADENA, Calif. (AP) — Police detained three people after a fight erupted outside a Pasadena, Calif., Apple Store where a crowd waited overnight for release of the new iPhone.

Police Lt. Jason Clawson says two men were arrested about 7:30 a.m. Friday after getting into a fistfight while in line along Colorado Boulevard. They face misdemeanor citations. It was unclear what the fight was about.

Clawson says a third man was placed on a 72-hour mental health hold after running into the street in an enraged state. Clawson says it appears the man may have been among several homeless men who were hired to buy iPhones for other customers.

Clawson says when the store ran out of the new smartphones, the homeless men didn't get paid and became upset.
Heh, that article actually does not sum up what happened well enough. Maybe I should read news stories before posting them hence forth?

To make a long story short. That phone dealing douchebag rounded up 60-80 homeless people off of skid row and shuttled them to Old Town Pasadena to wait in line to receive two tickets per person (good for two phones per person.) The apple store management wanted to see means of payment before hand from all these transients, when all they could muster was pocket lint, they were kicked out of line. Douchebag capitalist attempts to scurry off into the sunset without paying his crustee crew, a riot of rancid odor ensues, shmoe gets escorted off by P.D before he receives a pummeling.