need a new pda/cell phone

what's your stand on Nokia/Win8 now Erikovich?

nokia is still a good company being deliberately run into the ground by an ex-ms vp so ms can buy them for cheap and it is fairly sad actually

windows 8 and windows phone 8: still shitgarbage
i mean aurel, let's just realpost here for a second

does it seriously not bother you that they launched your LUMIA 900 FLAGSHIP GEE WHIZ phone only to abandon it completely 3 or 4 months later for wp8 that you will not get to upgrade to?

meanwhile, apple releases ios6 for their three year old 3gs

i mean if i cared about this shit i would be mad as hell that i was buying something that they touted as the new BIG THING and just a couple of months later it is deprecated and old news and i am expected to buy their NEWER SHINIER BIG THING

microsoft already has a terrible, terrible track record of doing this shit over and over and over. i don't know how you fail to see the pattern. they launch something, tout it as the NEXT BIG THING HOLD ON TO YOUR SHITS IF YOU DONT HAVE THIS SHINY NEW THING YOU ARE LITERALLY HUMAN TRASH and if it fails, they directly abandon it.

this is how microsoft operates -- they decide to enter a market, so they just throw money and shit at the wall until some of it hopefully sticks. they have no real understanding of what they are doing, no long term plans, no coherent vision, no nothing. all they have is money.

these days microsoft is profitable in the same two fields they have always been -- windows (as a desktop os) and ms office. they have never ever been successful at anything else and they will never be because they are a shit dinosaur in its dying throes

does it seriously not bother you that i was 100% right in my predictions that wp is absolutely dead in the water, that no one cares, that it isn't "cool", that it has a 3% market share if you're being really charitable, and that said market share is even SMALLER now than before they even launched wp and partnered with nokia
it honestly doesn't bother me ... the phone has been more than I can ask for and has worked flawlessly.

there are rumors to a quick upgrade path to the new Lumia for the 900 owners for the very reasons you described.

this is how microsoft operates -- they decide to enter a market, so they just throw money and shit at the wall until some of it hopefully sticks. they have no real understanding of what they are doing, no long term plans, no coherent vision, no nothing. all they have is money.

these days microsoft is profitable in the same two fields they have always been -- windows (as a desktop os) and ms office. they have never ever been successful at anything else and they will never be because they are a shit dinosaur in its dying throes

I beg to differ on this point ... i think they are more focused now than they have ever been. Did you use a Win 8 phone yet? I know last time we spoke about this you have not.
I beg to differ on this point ... i think they are more focused now than they have ever been. Did you use a Win 8 phone yet? I know last time we spoke about this you have not.

i have literally never seen a windows phone in the wild, ever

you know, 0.8% market share and that

and lol, not even most journalists or app developers have gotten to touch a windows phone 8 phone series phone for phone devices yet. the operating system and API are STILL NOT FINALIZED and they're releasing these when? meanwhile, the only two players in the wp field are busy suing each other over who came up with the idea for a bright yellow phone first. lol.
also i'm not arguing that windows phone is or is not a good operating system, i simply do not care, so whether or not i've used one is not really interesting. i've barely ever touched an iphone and EVERYONE has one of those round these parts. don't care.

my points are:

- since 1981, microsoft has consistently failed at everything except ms-dos, windows and microsoft office, and will keep doing so because their management is incredibly inept. the world they're living in does not exist anymore and they are utterly unable to adapt
- nokia is absolutely doomed, without question, and the 920 will likely be the last flagship-type phone they ever make. microsoft will purchase their ravaged carcass and probably put out ms-branded hardware with windows phone 9, and it will fail at least as hard as the two previous iterations. rinse, repeat
- lol, microsoft
i have to say that since I own the Lumia I have never seen another one in the wild either (well, my friend bought one) but that's what also makes it special.

but go play with one in a store ... you might be surprised.

Nokia stock doubled in the last 4 months as well ... well from a shitty 1.35 to 2.70 but still ... :loco:

I feel Apple jumped the shark with the IPhone 5 .... and i think if MS and Nokia play their cards right with the Win8 release ... well ...
since he's just about their only customer i imagine they made this new one with him in mind


(matches his speedos)