FUCK Pavement 2010: Baker Lake #1


Aug 30, 2001
I decided to change it from Concrete to Pavement because ironically enough, there's a town just outisde of Baker Lake called Concrete and it almost feels offensive to say FUCK Concrete when Baker Lake is so badass.

First camping trip of 2010. I've never been to Baker Lake before. It was awesome, but I think my friends hyped it up too much. Not as awesome as I was expecting. I had no idea it was a man made lake until someone told me as we were hiking into it. The mountain peaks were amazing for sure, but there's just something about the graveyard of tree stumps that man made lakes leave behind that makes them a bit unappealing.

Nonetheless, we had a great time even though we hiked in 4 miles just to come to a washed out bridge over a river and have to turn back to camp in the public campground area instead of on the much more epic other side, which you'll see in all these pics across the lake.














Wow, those pictures are amazing!!! You people in WA are so lucky to have those amazing sites within a few hours drive from the city.
The new camera doesn't disappoint, Kev! Those are some amazing pictures!! :)
Glad the battery lasted too!

When is the next camping trip ?
Wow, those pictures are amazing!!! You people in WA are so lucky to have those amazing sites within a few hours drive from the city.
The new camera doesn't disappoint, Kev! Those are some amazing pictures!! :)
Glad the battery lasted too!

When is the next camping trip ?
Thanks yo :) Next trip is soon. Dunno when exactly, but probably a week or two. :headbang:
I love the west coast from northern california up, so nice! There is no other liberating feeling then getting in your car, driving out to a distant lake, and exploring the under-appreciated beauty of nature. I want to visit Washington sometime in the future.

Great pics Kevin.
I've never been to Baker Lake before. It was awesome, but I think my friends hyped it up too much. Not as awesome as I was expecting.

Yeah, the lake itself isn't much to look. Is that all of it? Looks like a dried up pond. The rest of the area is ace though!
No it goes off to the right and opens WAY up. All the way at the other end there is a dam and that's how they regulate the level of the lake. Right now it's low because they opened the dam and drained the lake a while back. Eventually they'll close it and then the lake will fill back up. Although I've never seen it, apparently when it's full you don't see any tree stumps or land out there where you do now.