fuck the middle east, lets take it over, fuck the world

Oct 5, 2003
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Survival of the fittest. All you left wing pussies that sit here and complain about high gas prices what the fuck do you propose we do about it?? The only way to get lower gas prices is to have control fo the worlds oil supply. In order to gain control of it we as a nation need to quit being such fucking pussies and go kick some ass and take it. If we don't do it some fucking iranian cock smokers will do it. Yeah it sounds harsh but its the fucking truth. You blame Bush for high gas prices but you dont want the US to "Fight for Oil"??? Fuck off you fucking pussies. I hope we take over the entire middle east so that my gas prices will go down and my kids can affort to have a fucking car, not some iranian pile of shit

In the words of the great Billy Millano "FUCK THE MIDDLE EAST"
why dont we just start WWIII too u fuckin crackhead.. see if someone will have lower gas prices then after we blow up the whole planet with our fuckin nuclear bombes u dumbass.. someone is gonna get pissed off really soon if bush doesnt stop.. dont think that fuckin america is all that bloody safe.. 9-11 isnt the last thing thats gonna happen if bush doesnt get a grip.. ur worried about gas.. worry about our world.. ur children.. they will die if this doesnt end.. whos gonna go in the army to fight?????? nobody is.. so they are just gonna take em away when their 18.. we might even turn out to be fuckin hitler 2.... so ignorant its not even funny anymore.. the middle east doesnt like to be fucked with.. they are gonna fight back sooner or later.. and if they do have bombs of massdestruction, or other bombs.. were dead.. WERE ARE ALL DEAD!!!!!!!! russia might even help them because they dont really like the us either.. so were gonna have a holocaust.. which people say that that will happen 2006 (bible code if youve ever heard of it....)
nini666 said:
why dont we just start WWIII too u fuckin crackhead.. see if someone will have lower gas prices then after we blow up the whole planet with our fuckin nuclear bombes u dumbass.. someone is gonna get pissed off really soon if bush doesnt stop.. dont think that fuckin america is all that bloody safe.. 9-11 isnt the last thing thats gonna happen if bush doesnt get a grip.. ur worried about gas.. worry about our world.. ur children.. they will die if this doesnt end.. whos gonna go in the army to fight?????? nobody is.. so they are just gonna take em away when their 18.. we might even turn out to be fuckin hitler 2.... so ignorant its not even funny anymore.. the middle east doesnt like to be fucked with.. they are gonna fight back sooner or later.. and if they do have bombs of massdestruction, or other bombs.. were dead.. WERE ARE ALL DEAD!!!!!!!! russia might even help them because they dont really like the us either.. so were gonna have a holocaust.. which people say that that will happen 2006 (bible code if youve ever heard of it....)
okay, by saying something that the bible predicts automatically discredits your statement.....but I do agree, bush needs to fucking stop playing world police, or we're gonna get nuked
ok i just wanted to point out the bible code.. i dont really believe in it because u can just take any other book.. take a passage out of it and find words that predict a disaster like that is that year.. but im sure most of u dont know about it.. anyways.. i just think bush should get a grip before we all die.. god wont help us..
I've heard enough of these neo-conservative douchebag rants over the past few years to make me want to poke my ears out with a skewer. Most of these right-wingers sound like they have some sort of "small-penis" thing going on. (ie. they need to prove that their organ is bigger than it really is by fucking with others)

I'm sick of this shit.
Fuck the middle east
There's too many problems
They just get in the way
We sure could live without them
They hijack our planes
They raise our oil prices
We'll kill them all and have a ball
And end their fuckin' crisis
BEIRUT, LEBANON-Won't exist once we're done
LIBYA, IRAN-We'll flush the bastards down the can
SYRIANS and SHIITES-Crush their faces with our might
Then Israel and Egypt can live in peace without these dicks!!!! :headbang:

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:

Hell yes great song!!!! SOD fuckin rulz!!!!

Anyways the topic at hand I dont think that would solve any problems cause we would indeed start WWIII. Pretty much we are fucked but we can help ourselves by not having all these 4 wheel drive SUVs shitting out gas every 2 seconds. I can understand maybe if you live in like the mountains or some shit but I live in fucking iowa and rich kids drive the things to school for fucking christ's sake!!!!!!!!!! WTF???
This is the greatest thread ever!!! Congrats!!!
You just made my sunday!!!
I knew it!!!
I can understand maybe if you live in like the mountains or some shit but I live in fucking iowa and rich kids drive the things to school for fucking christ's sake!!!!!!!!!! WTF???
Right fucking on dude. I lived in Naperville IL for a while and every asshole in that town drove some huge gas guzzeling truck. Sorry your Cadillac Escalade has to go soccer mom. Most of the midwest is flat as a pancake, not a lot of mountains to climb there.
but what is it goin to help us if we kill everyone is the middle east oO why dont u just think more a moment.. well anyways.. its not like anybodies gonna change their oppinion.. i think u should to another country to understand.. just living in the us isnt gonna give u all the knowledge that u need to understand things like that.. to tollerate other people.. ur just ignorant..

but i agree on those trucks and teens drving them.. i mean what the hell.. where do they get the money from?? not like they got any with 16.. i know for sure my dad isnt gonna buy me a fuckin truck.. infact i dont think hes ever gonna buy me a car.. pay my liscence or anything like that.. just spoiled.... thats all.. and why do u americans have big suvs like that?? go to europe ur never find a vehicle like that.. and if u got a van or truck ur fucked cuz u aint neva gonna get a parking space with that fucker.. ur aint even gonna be able to drive around with it..

just blows my mind...
Ha my parents never bought me a car i guess im better off for it, although I would have liked that luxury! I dont think anyone here truly wants to bomb other countries for no reason... but then again I could be wrong. I say we should stop the sales of SUVs and other gas guzzling cars and put more money into research on some more badass looking cars that have good mileage and wont be so damn expensive!!! Hopefully this extreme gas price raising will cause some people to rethink the buying of their cars...
There's a lot of oil in Scotland too. Are you going to send in the Marines to ensure you can drive to McDonalds? You clueless douche.
ironmaidenfan09 said:
Survival of the fittest. All you left wing pussies that sit here and complain about high gas prices what the fuck do you propose we do about it?? The only way to get lower gas prices is to have control fo the worlds oil supply. In order to gain control of it we as a nation need to quit being such fucking pussies and go kick some ass and take it. If we don't do it some fucking iranian cock smokers will do it. Yeah it sounds harsh but its the fucking truth. You blame Bush for high gas prices but you dont want the US to "Fight for Oil"??? Fuck off you fucking pussies. I hope we take over the entire middle east so that my gas prices will go down and my kids can affort to have a fucking car, not some iranian pile of shit

In the words of the great Billy Millano "FUCK THE MIDDLE EAST"

Sometimes I can relate to this when I'm super pissed at someone at work from that part of the world. Or if I deal with a greedy cabbie. It may be ignorant, it may not be ignorant. One thing it's not is racist. I love people from all over the world, black white yellow green red brunette, red head. whatever. It's all good.