Fuck the police!


Oct 26, 2009
So.... Recently I'd gotten myself into quite the conundrum.

I was approaching a construction zone that had started at an intersection. This intersection had a light.. The sun was DIRECTLY behind me, so it was one of those situations where you cannot tell what colour the light is.

I slow down/stop and a guy behind me starts honking his horn. I flip him off. He then bumps my car with his car! So, I get a little flustered and proceed through the light, assuming the light is green since the fucker won't stop messing with me.

As I take off, a car zooms past me, and I clip the rear bumper, causing the ENTIRE rear bumped to basically explode.. There is no bumper left on this car.

I stop, and make sure the lady in the car I hit was okay, she was fine, but extremely pissed.. Understandable. Meanwhile, while I'm out making sure shit's okay, the car that had bumped into my rear end is nowhere to be found!

Then, without saying anything the lady I hit calls and files a police report.

I check my vehicle for damage.. All I have is a tiny scratch on my front bumper and ABSOLUTELY NO damage on my rear bumper.

The cop arrives and asks what happens, and the lady I hit INSTANTLY start bawling her eyes out (acting much? I think so). She tells the story like this:

"This asshole ran a red light and hit me!" The cop asks "Is his true, sir"? I reply with "Yes, but..." I'm interrupted with "That's all I needed to hear".

I then eventually got a ticket for running a red light.. I call the area court and tell them what happened and they reply with "Sorry, officer _____ is off duty for 2 weeks".

What the fuck do I do? There is no proof backing up the true story, so for all anybody knows, I was a dick and ran a red light. Which is true to an extent, but it was not the exact circumstance.

Oh yeah, and to make matters worse, there were no eye whitenesses that stuck around.

So you went over the traffic light without knowing if it's red or not?
And you didn't get out of your car and served a beating when that asshole hit you from behind?

also "no witnesses", why did you tell him it was red if you didn't even know if it was or not?
Man sorry, but this story is full of fail for me, if I understood everything correctly^^ (I don't understand from where the other car came, from the side were she had green lights I assume?)
Bad luck that you hit that lady though...
Anyway, now that you told the cop you know it was red you have a problem, even if they are no witnesses I guess...
but yeah, you can tell them at the court that it was green anyway later
word against word i guess
don't drive if you don't know if its green I guess ;)
So you went over the traffic light without knowing if it's red or not?
And you didn't get out of your car and served a beating when that asshole hit you from behind?

also "no witnesses", why did you tell him it was red if you didn't even know if it was or not?
Man sorry, but this story is full of fail for me, if I understood everything correctly^^
Bad luck that you hit that lady though...

Indeed, bad luck! I would have gotten out and talked to the fucker behind me, but I found it more important to see if the lady was okay.

As far as the officer goes, I'd later found out that he was off duty in 5 minutes from when the accident had happened, leading me to believe that he was in a hurry. When I got out of my vehicle, and I saw the light, it was indeed red. That's why I told him it was.

There was one witness. She got out and asked if we were okay, and we just told her yes, and he just took off.
Indeed, bad luck! I would have gotten out and talked to the fucker behind me, but I found it more important to see if the lady was okay.

As far as the officer goes, I'd later found out that he was off duty in 5 minutes from when the accident had happened, leading me to believe that he was in a hurry. When I got out of my vehicle, and I saw the light, it was indeed red. That's why I told him it was.

There was one witness. She got out and asked if we were okay, and we just told her yes, and he just took off.

ah ok...well....you should have reacted differently when that guy bumped your car with his then^^
anyway hope everything solves somehow for you
ah ok...well....you should have reacted differently when that guy bumped your car with his then^^
anyway hope everything solves somehow for you

I know man. It's been on my mind SO much lately. I can't really afford having more points on my license.

It was one of those "fuck! GAH! wtf a:lkje WHAT DO I DO!?!?!" situations.
Insisting would be of no use. Even if the police believed your story, you would still be responsible.

I'm not going to tell you what you should have done, but when the guy kept sounding his horn, I would've got up from my car AT LEAST to check whether the light is actually green or not!
Insisting would be of no use. Even if the police believed your story, you would still be responsible.

I'm not going to tell you what you should have done, but when the guy kept sounding his horn, I would've got up from my car AT LEAST to check whether the light is actually green or not!

I could see the light clearly in front of me, and honestly it looked more like it was green than red... It was so hard to see though because of the light glaring directly into it.
Still, I honestly can't see how the police officer could be blamed. It was a shitty situation, but unfortunately I don't think there's anything you can do as the light was really showing red.
Wear sunglasses dude...it ain't the cop's fault! Shit happens, but it looks like you're screwed in this situation. Saying "well sir, I couldn't quite tell if it was green or red" definitely will not fly in court. How is your insurance?

Wear sunglasses dude...it ain't the cop's fault! Shit happens, but it looks like you're screwed in this situation. Saying "well sir, I couldn't quite tell if it was green or red" definitely will not fly in court. How is your insurance?


My insurance fucking blows. I have plpd and that's all. I know it's not the cops fault. I just like saying fuck the police.. But gahh shitty situation! =(
German police is full of idiots too but at least they listen to what you say.
"That's all I needed to hear" maybe the cop just had enough SSL for that day.
You ran through a red light.
It sucks that you got tricked in to it, but its still illegal.

And if there is something to be learned from all of this: Never admit to anything, explain what happened instead! ;)
You admitted to the cop you ran a red light. YOU JUST CONFESSED!


Pay the ticket, you don't have any other choice.

Never tell anything to cops. NEVER. You don't have to lie: Just remember, you don't have to talk to them, either.

Here's a very informative video on the subject. A real cop is advising a law class.
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In the future situations like this it might be wise to check the color of the lights to your left and right, if possible. If any are green, yours is red. If they're red, there's a chance yours could be green, but you'll have to watch for fuckers in turn lanes before you try to proceed. They call me Captain Obvious. :p
And you didn't get out of your car and served a beating when that asshole hit you from behind?

my thoughts exactly - I thought this is where the story was heading at first haha. I would have flipped the fuck out at that guy.
Did you at least report the guy who bumped into you to the police? Claiming that you got coerced to cross the light/intersection would be the only thing that could get you some ground here. Even if the guy behind you did a hit and run, you should have reported that anyway to strengthen your case. You must at least have noticed what car he was driving... I find it quite hard to believe that the cop didn't listen to you at all. Around this part of the world, they'll usually take a written account of your testimony. Strange story.