Fuck Yeah. World Series Bitches.


East Coast's Only Hope
Jan 7, 2007
Fuck, Florida
Maybe none of you fags care, but I do. October 22nd to the 31st are going to require heaving drinking and smoking as the Phillies march on to our first World Series win since 1980. :kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass::kickass:
despite my lack of interest in most sports, I would really enjoy seeing at least ONE of our teams go all the way. And I really don't like football. So if it's not the Flyers it may as well be the Phillies. Is the potential game 7 scheduled for Halloween?
Dude I was in Target today and these old ladies were talking about who the Phillies are going to play. Even I, with my limited desire to know whats going on - even I know that we don't know who they are playing yet. And these ladies were like "they gotta beat them black sox!"

I dunno I lold a little.

Is their any crusts left?
Dude there was a dude at work today - around 3:30, and he was like "yeah I'm gonna head down to the game tonight"

Well, way to leave a head of time, asshole. It's a shame he has tickets and he prob won't get there til 3 am. Phillies, Flyers, AND the fucking Who all in the same night?! Tailgaters dream - car owners worst nightmare. Oh well he was a main line bottom toothed asshole so fuck him. I hope he gets assraped and mugged and some upstanding cop killing criminal gets his tickets.

In other related news, I met a guy who just dropped $900 for ONE ticket to tonights game. There goes his sons money for a montco semester.
Only one more fucking game. If the Phils end up winning tomorrow who's down for some heavy drinking and partying? Also, who wants to go to the parade?
lol! that's awesome chuck. I didn't even get to watch it but the radio call for the last out was great. will be leaving for philly in a couple of minutes. anyone able to make the parade on friday? I'm going down.
I'm off Friday and considering going just to see the insanity. Maybe we could all take the R6 down?