Fuck Yes!


Jul 9, 2007
London, ON, Canada
so i got an interview with amon amarth over the internet for a middle eastren webzine


im preparing Q's as we speak and i got max 3 days

i can have as many Q's as i want

so if you're dying to ask a Q and never got the chance, you do now!

post them before 3 days from now!
would Oli ride a camel? Has Johan tried belly dancing? 5 wise men on camels came from the north, plundering the holy land. that would be too un-PC.
would vikings prefer Valhalla or 47 virgins?

<insert sarcasm> or replace by 10 threads asking when AA will play the Middle East.
what has the reaction been like to the new material whilst on tour?

has any writing taken place whilst you've been on tour (for a follow up album to Twilight)?

insert generic 'when are you coming back to Australia question?' lol. jokes :p
Nice man. I've always wanted to know what the deal was with the tattoo on his arm, looks like a guy in a cloak w/ a staff but I never get a clear look at it at the shows. Unless he's commented on it before and I'm just not aware of it. Also you can ask him if him and Johan S. think I'm an idiot for getting them to sign my black arm bracers with a black marker. Me=fail.

Aside from that...

Have they considered pursuing any new lyrical directions within the frame of Viking-related stuff, such as the Vanir, or more historical lyrics like on Varyags of Miklagaard?

Do they plan on working with Jens Bogren again, and the same studio again (can't remember the name of the place atm)?

On the last two albums there's been a general shift from a focus on trem-picked riffs to a focus on palm-muting and power-chord riffs. Is this intentional, and do they plan to continue with it?

The last album featured the uncharacteristic use of instruments aside from guitars, bass, and drums, namely Apocalyptica's cameo on Live for the Kill and the horns on Tattered Banners. Do they plan do this again, and have they thought about making outside instruments a regular feature of their music?

Which are their favorite songs to play live? Which are the ones they are bored of but play every night anyways? Does having the crowd scream along to Pursuit of Vikings get old, or is it just as awesome every night?

Where Is Your God? was clearly a stab at more old school style of death metal. Has the band considered adopting more of this into their sound? It makes for some impressively aggressive songs.

What's Johan's secret? His vocals sound like they were recorded twice and then a little reverb was applied. Is there anything more to it besides being a fucking monster?
Nice man. I've always wanted to know what the deal was with the tattoo on his arm, looks like a guy in a cloak w/ a staff but I never get a clear look at it at the shows. Unless he's commented on it before and I'm just not aware of it. Also you can ask him if him and Johan S. think I'm an idiot for getting them to sign my black arm bracers with a black marker. Me=fail.

its Odin

Thought it might be but I've never seen that picture before and I saw no ravens or most of the other things that he's usually depicted with. and I'm pretty sure they're into lagers, had to drink Beck's dark the last time I saw them at Jaxx because they took all the normal Beck's from the bar for themselves.
its a guy with a cape a stick and one eye! thats enough for me to think its odin!

Haha, true. I didn't see the eye patch though, I'm damned near blind to be honest. I would like to know what some of their fav brands of beer are though. Maybe ask Johan if he's very active w the Joms viking events.
Thought it might be but I've never seen that picture before and I saw no ravens or most of the other things that he's usually depicted with. and I'm pretty sure they're into lagers, had to drink Beck's dark the last time I saw them at Jaxx because they took all the normal Beck's from the bar for themselves.

Damn and here I thought I had it bad having to drink beer from a can...I think I woulda cried.