Fuck you all, Fiona Apple - Extraordinary Machine is good.

Menhir said:
Say what? A Fiona Apple topic. Heh.


Listen to her new album, I find it rather enjoyable for a pop/alternative-rock album. Her voice is very soothing.

ho ! you are so right

I love Fiona's works !!! her debut (tidal) was okay but her second album (When the Pawn) and this new one are indeed very good... :headbang:

but maybe this wasn't the right forum to post this kind of thread... the non-metal section is made for this...
I like skinny chicks but she needs to eat something.

I'll check out her new material later. Maybe somehow i'll like it.

My taste is more open now.
Blah, it is general music discussion >_> general. I don't see general metal discussion.

Ah well. You are probably right.

But yeah, do check it out if you have not.
This chick is always angry about something. Someone needs to put a dick in her mouth.