Fuck you, impacted wisdom tooth!

Dude I can't feel the left side of my face, it's just throbbing with this radiating pain. I can't swallow, or move my jaw too fast. I just tried eating something and it's taken it to a new level of pain. I've had it flare up before but this is the worst. Gonna finally have the fucker out for sure!
I feel your pain man. I had a wisdom tooth come in at an angle and was fine for years. Then it eventually stabbed the nerve in the tooth next to it and put me in a world of hurt. Go to the dentist today, pay anything, it will be worth it.
Hahaha welcome to the party, man. My bottom two were totally impacted, growing at a downward angle into the roots of the other teeth.

The best part was that when I got them pulled last summer, both of my bottom surgery sites developed dry sockets. Talk about a world of pain...
Yeesh, fuck that.

I'm 27, I started getting wisdom teeth at like 17, never had any problems with them though. This is my 4th and final one to come through, came through about 5 years ago maybe? And it only partially erupted, i.e. only half of it came up. The back half of it still has gum over it, which is the type of 'impacted-ness' mine has. It's not the kind where it's coming through at an angle, it's just the kind where it has gum still over it, which has now all swollen and become infected from being bitten by the tooth above it.

I know the pain dude. >,<

Mine where severely impacted(Completely encased in bone.) and grew horizontally in my mouth, which meant that they where slowly crushing all my other teeth.
They had to chisel out a piece of my jaw to get the teeth out.. it fucking sucked ass. :(