Rude Fans Slaming DISABLED FANS

Nygård said:
The most pathetic of all is that the only way this forum shows any signs of life is when something like this happens...


so, I guess some more Turisas news would bring this board back alive...
It don't have to be much, but something would be great!
OH the drama, OH the pain and victimisation of it all, :'(.
bloody'ell, ruddy over sensative people.

you know, i think if you merdged the offtopic page and the main turisas page, more people would post.
one thing i have always found with many forums is if people dont think their msg will be seen by most forum members, they wont bother posting it and as offtopic is a subsection people are probibly just sticking to either one or the other.

just an idea...hmmm.

indeed it does, but then other people of the more music orientated variety will spend extra time pondering apon ideas for turisas related threads in an attempt to drown out the nonsence threads from the main page.

ah haaa *strokes beardy beard*

ps. im just speaking from experience due to being one of the main moderators of a 15,000 strong forum and certain alt profile site with active community.
it just tends to work better if you meld subtopics, it also tends to make people check in more often due to the sudden change of popular topic every hour or so.
its actually the main reason that i only pop in here every week instead of every day *nods*.
Not all Metal fans are rude to the disabled


...this thread was practically worm-food, though if one does a search of Pokerisas' posts, they are entertaining but not in the 'ha ha' way.
Saw the pets one. I nearly weed myself. What the difference between being disabled and being a disabled American? And how does this affect your posts? There's plenty of "differently abled" people on forums I embrace, most of the time you don't actually know unless you meet them or they tell you. The original poster wasn't terribly specific though...It's like saying "you don't like my posts? WELL YOU'RE RACIST."
Saw the pets one. I nearly weed myself. What the difference between being disabled and being a disabled American? And how does this affect your posts? There's plenty of "differently abled" people on forums I embrace, most of the time you don't actually know unless you meet them or they tell you. The original poster wasn't terribly specific though...It's like saying "you don't like my posts? WELL YOU'RE RACIST."

Amen, my vegetable friend. I'm disabled (not physically) and I'm always torn between getting angry and laughing my ass off when people behave like 'Pokerisas' did. I get angry because it makes all disabled people sound like ignorant, arrogant twats who expect the world to revolve around them because they're disabled, then I laugh, because people who behave like that are so incredibly pathetic. Yes, you're disabled, so fucking what? Disabilities are only terrible things (as in, "oh you poor darling" :Puke:) if you let them be, and everyone's capable of choosing to be a person, rather than a victim or a fucking disability statistic.


On the other hand, I thought the pets thread opened up a whole new world - why bother stalking the band, when you can stalk their pets? Assuming any of them have pets, there could be a whole new merch line in it for them... :p
If you have a disability, you can't let it define you in a negative for the sympathy vote. It eventually annoys people, and makes other more kind hearted folk feel guilty when they really shouldn't be. I'm not disabled (with the exception of the genuine dyslexia, not the sort that makes you spell words with numbers), but I have a few friends who are who would agree with me on that ;)

On the note of pets...I think they should all do a Mika and buy eggies!
I refuse to class my disability as a negative thing (whether for the sympathy vote of otherwise), because like most things, it's not all bad. Yes I have problems with communication and interaction, and there are some things I find very, very difficult or downright impossible, but on the other hand I've got savant-type memory, my reading speed is (literally) off the scale, I can detach from my emotions at the drop of a hat (VERY useful for working in retail), the simplest things can keep me amused for hours, I can spend days by myself perfectly happily and there's part of me that will always be able to see the world as a child.

Not a bad trade-off, all things considered ;)
Yup...I was wondering if anyone would work it out from what I said :lol:

Very high-functioning (I have a degree and few immediately visible problems), but autistic nonetheless. And no, I don't have Asperger's Syndrome, I have High-Functioning Autism. :D
Well as far as my savantism goes the easiest example I can think of on here, is if you go onto the first page of the Random BS thread, the post I did with all the links to photos of spiders in it? Did it from memory is roughly five minutes...including all the links ;) (I also typed my sig straight out from memory in about a minute when I got bored of the previous one)

I seem to be fairly unusual in that my savant abilities are all to do with words - latin names, scientific terms/processes, enclyopaedic knowledge of LOTR, Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, entomology/oceanography/meteorology (despite having never officially studied any of the three), I pick up new languages scarily fast (and retain them almost indefinitely) and I can memorise the contents of bookshelves without even trying. I used to work in Oxfam, we had roughly 2-3000 books onsite at any one time, and unless I'd just walked through the door after being away, I could tell you exactly what we had, what we didn't have, and what we were likely to get in soon :lol:

It's just a shame employers never look past "autism" and see all that :(