Fuck you, religious America.

"A British film about Charles Darwin has failed to find a US distributor because his theory of evolution is too controversial for American audiences, according to its producer"

according to its PRODUCER!? So not even going through the actual movie association here? What makes this asshole so important thet he can speak for an entire country about its beliefs in religion and creationism? So many people believe in both (there ARE loopholes).

Furthermore, the film details Darwin's struggle between his studies of evolution and his beliefs in a higher being. How is showing one man's struggle for beliefs controversial? By that theory, we should get rid of any movie detailing any sort of inner human struggle.

The film has sparked fierce debate on US Christian websites, with a typical comment dismissing evolution as "a silly theory with a serious lack of evidence to support it despite over a century of trying".
- And your hard evidence that God exists is what? Faith? Fuckin morons.

I'm gonna stop now before I get really pissed off about the arrogance and ignorance of people in general. After I have a few beers I may rant more.

edit: "Creation was developed by BBC Films and the UK Film Council, and stars Bettany's real-life wife Jennifer Connelly as Darwin's deeply religious wife" - it's got Connelly, I MUST see it.
There was a guy downtown by Pike Place this weekend with all the big signs saying "Jesus Saves" and "Repent" and what not, and he was yelling some blabber about how Christ is the only savior and other such nonsense. I watched and listened from across the street for a few minutes and I realized that the only explanation for this sort of irrational behavior is that the guy was mentally ill. I want to know how he'd react if someone calmly and politely approached him with a disagreeing argument. The way he was acting and yelling his stuff leads me to believe it would not be a pretty sight.

As for the thread topic... wow. I almost feel ashamed to live in a country where attitudes like this are still so prevalent. It sucks and it's really sad and I hope it all ends someday.
"A British film about Charles Darwin has failed to find a US distributor" because the premise is way too boring for mainstream American audiences, and the American film distributors would really prefer to turn a profit on their investment.

Seriously, Darwin was a great mind with a lot of good ideas, but he wrote dense, difficult books. It doesn't smack of movie gold.
It is a fine and noble thing to make a film purely for the artistic merit or the message, but usually people lose money on those. Few people are willing to lose the very large sums of money involved in filmmaking simply because the outcome is critically lauded.

Or, using a simpler anthropic principle: most companies and individuals with the kind of cash to be able to back a movie didn't get there by making financially unsound investments.
if they aren't killing Russians or making fun of Nazis, there is nothing left
Even as a child I knew everyone was lying to me when they said how great america is. I don't expect much from our society, but at least I have you neverboarders! *sighs*
You can walk into a Borders or Barnes N Noble here in the US. and there's a whole section on Atheism...Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins etc. Things happen haphazardly as little sparks...an Atheism movie gets banned, a Christian Scientist gets fired, a student who doesn't salute the flag gets suspended etc. Random things happen in this country from time to time that don't align with the freedom we're supposed to have. People have their beliefs though and they stick up for them...if things happen, well...that's result of more people believing. Lets all get along, and respect each other and not blame them for our emotions.
See, but we can sit here and be embarrassed and consternated about the religious situation in American culture, but ultimately, this isn't doing shit all. Max hit it right on the nail when he said that religion is a disease and a mental disorder, and Darwin was the one that introduced the concept of 'natural selection'. I'm pretty sure that unless we remove democracy and force complete re-education against 61% of the populous, the only other way it could end is another world war. Usually that's something that always comes with religion's resume anyways; violent conflict and aggression towards fellow man for reasons unknown (unless you consider imaginary friends to be a legitimate argument).

Show me a religious individual (pagans and satanists don't count, because everyone knows that they are all just really cool atheists/agnostics who like to have fun or just piss off conservative pissants) who will peacefully sit down and argue theology and metaphysics like a gentleman without changing into a secular/agnostic/atheist, and I'll show you god.