Fuck you, religious America.

If you don't like a movie's content or subject matter, then don't see it. How fucking hard can that possibly be?

More proof positive that the Romans fucked up BIG TIME when they stopped feeding Christians to the lions!

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is horseshit. No Darwin movie, but there's a new Manson and Hitler documentary on television every month? I happen to think those two angered more people than some old codger's facts.
Whoa dude, when did this happen? I remember you telling me something about getting out of the states and asking about Italy, but I didn't know you moved to London. How is it?
"A British film about Charles Darwin has failed to find a US distributor" because the premise is way too boring for mainstream American audiences, and the American film distributors would really prefer to turn a profit on their investment.

Seriously, Darwin was a great mind with a lot of good ideas, but he wrote dense, difficult books. It doesn't smack of movie gold.

Yeah really, I cannae see it being a big mainstream prospect. Besides, it's not as though there haven't been more controversial movies released in American cinemas already.
If you don't like a movie's content or subject matter, then don't see it. How fucking hard can that possibly be?

More proof positive that the Romans fucked up BIG TIME when they stopped feeding Christians to the lions!

Yes, because Christianity and religious fundamentalism are one and the same. I'm not a Christian, but I get so weary of you troglodytes beating your chests about the evils of Christianity. Christianity is a philosophy, just like any other (bet you love Buddhism, don't you?) - it's fundamentalism, fanaticism, and oppressive organization that are the problem, not Christianity as a philosophy. Every philosophy/religion has nut jobs, that doesn't make the ideology evil.

But you probably just want to beat your chest over how following a philosophy is for the sheeple and you're totally, like, a free spirit.
Yes, because Christianity and religious fundamentalism are one and the same. I'm not a Christian, but I get so weary of you troglodytes beating your chests about the evils of Christianity. Christianity is a philosophy, just like any other (bet you love Buddhism, don't you?) - it's fundamentalism, fanaticism, and oppressive organization that are the problem, not Christianity as a philosophy. Every philosophy/religion has nut jobs, that doesn't make the ideology evil.

But you probably just want to beat your chest over how following a philosophy is for the sheeple and you're totally, like, a free spirit.

Nope, Buddhism is stupid as well. And no, Christianity is not like any other philosophy. It is like other religious philosophies, but secular philosophies don't involve worship of a fictional entity and the practice of silly antiquated rituals, which are a pretty big part of religion and to a lesser extent spirituality, which is also dumb.
Nope, Buddhism is stupid as well. And no, Christianity is not like any other philosophy. It is like other religious philosophies, but secular philosophies don't involve worship of a fictional entity and the practice of silly antiquated rituals, which are a pretty big part of religion and to a lesser extent spirituality, which is also dumb.
True, secular philosophies do not involve the worship of an imaginary friend, but I like to think that Christianity, when interpreted the way it should be, is simply a philosophy of compassion and sacrifice. One might debate whether or not such things are virtues or sins, but a bunch of overzealous fruitcakes banning a film about evolution? That has nothing to do with Christianity and everything with idiocy.
But Stormo, it was never about the christian philosophy (as flawless as it may be), it was always about the christian religion. That goes for all world religions too. If everyone kept their philosophies to themselves and didn't try to preach them and end up gaining a following of thick headed impressionable assholes who will of course will become elitist about the whole thing whilst never completely understanding the core fundamentals of what they are killing for at the end of the day, all would've been well. This is why Atheism can work much better, because you can't really misinterpret Atheism and split it into different sects (despite the almighty wisdom of South Park).
True, secular philosophies do not involve the worship of an imaginary friend, but I like to think that Christianity, when interpreted the way it should be, is simply a philosophy of compassion and sacrifice.

If that were the case, then why not just do that and not call it CHRISTianity. That's just being a compassionate and generous person, which can be done without the foolishness of religion.

but a bunch of overzealous fruitcakes banning a film about evolution? That has nothing to do with Christianity and everything with idiocy.

It has everything to do with Christianity. The reason that religion, Christianity in particular, must be hounded, heckled, hindered, and challenged (couldn't think of another word beginning with H to keep the alliteration going) at every opportunity is that they (ALL RELIGIONS) generate this type of idiocy, and far worse. Sure, a good number keep their idiotic faith to themselves, there are enough that are vocal that they have an impact on the lives of others. Now if religion served some sort of practical purpose that could not be filled without, then perhaps this sort of activity could be excused. But it can't. People can be compassionate and generous without going to church, reading from an irrelevant ancient text, and practicing beliefs that harm the progression of our species.

Eh, I may have rambled on their a bit, but hopefully my point is clear.
The only thing I don't like about Atheism is that they're just as sure that God doesn't exist as Christians are sure that he/she/it does, which is just as egomaniacal and self-absorbed. They're two sides of the same coin.

I'm in Bill Maher's club; that is to say that I don't know what happens when you die and I'm not going to be so audacious to claim that I do. The world would be much better off if people could just say, "I don't know what happens when you die, but while we're here, let's try to not be assholes."
The only thing I don't like about Atheism is that they're just as sure that God doesn't exist as Christians are sure that he/she/it does, which is just as egomaniacal and self-absorbed. They're two sides of the same coin.


No. I'm sure that God doesn't exist because I see no logical reason to believe that a god exists. Christians are sure that God exists because that's what they've been told.
No, as I've never seen his body. It's the same thing. I could take the media's word for it but then again I'd really just be putting my faith in someone else's story. Which is why I can say, "I believe he's dead but anything's possible."
No. I'm sure that God doesn't exist because I see no logical reason to believe that a god exists. Christians are sure that God exists because that's what they've been told.

And here's exactly my point. You're claiming to have infinite knowledge when you only have a finite mind.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not disagreeing with you...I'm just saying that that's only what you believe and you can never know for sure until you croak. Atheists are no more objective than Christians, but they use facts to back up their HYPOTHESES, and in that lies the difference.