Fuck you, religious America.

Or how about unicorns? Can you prove they don't exist?

No I can't. I can't prove they never existed. I don't believe they ever did but that's just my interpretation from what has been told to me since birth and the fact that no remains have ever been found to back up the theory that unicorns existed.

Please understand that I'm not taking sides, I'm merely being completely objective. Atheists claim to be objective but they're really not...they don't believe in something because it sounds silly (and it really does), but just as there is no hard physical evidence that a God exists, there really isn't any to prove that he doesn't. It's a very metaphysical and philosophical argument.
I know there is no god the same way I know someone with schizophrenia isn't hearing real voices. Sure, I can't actually experience the voices for myself, but I still know they're not real, because ITS FUCKING RETARDED TO BELIEVE OTHERWISE. Human reason is a wonderful thing, when practiced appropriately.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that any human being claiming to have the answers of the universe is incredibly deluded. I typically side with the agnostic point of view. I don't like putting my foot down and saying, "This doesn't exist because I don't believe it does", just as much as I don't like putting my foot down and saying that I think something does exist when I could be wrong in both cases.

We humans are so self-centered and short-sighted that we sometimes forget that we're not even ants in the galaxy...we're not even amoebas.
I know there is no god the same way I know someone with schizophrenia isn't hearing real voices. Sure, I can't actually experience the voices for myself, but I still know they're not real, because ITS FUCKING RETARDED TO BELIEVE OTHERWISE. Human reason is a wonderful thing, when practices appropriately.

I see where you're coming from and I agree with your reasoning, but again, you're using the word KNOW for something you couldn't possibly know about.

It's like saying, "Max, I KNOW you don't have a penis that drags the floor" when I've never seen your penis and don't really KNOW anything. I'm only reasoning that it's impossible for you to have a 36 inch penis. But then again, maybe you do.

My poor attempt at a little levity in this conversation....
I guess what I'm trying to say is that any human being claiming to have the answers of the universe is incredibly deluded. I typically side with the agnostic point of view. I don't like putting my foot down and saying, "This doesn't exist because I don't believe it does", just as much as I don't like putting my foot down and saying that I think something does exist when I could be wrong in both cases.

We humans are so self-centered and short-sighted that we sometimes forget that we're not even ants in the galaxy...we're not even amoebas.

This isn't a question of our insignificance on a cosmic scale or the answers to the universe. It should be as petty as the scenario with the schizophrenic, but because this joke has gone on for way too long, it seems far more significant than it truly is. People don't contemplate whether or not their computers go to heaven when they get thrown out, even though when you get down to it, animals (humans included) are just organic machines. We're "built" from earthly material and achieve animation through electrical charges.
I can't wait until a huge meteorite smashes planet earth into fucking oblivion and every single person and their idiotic beliefs are proven wrong when ABSOLUTELY JACK SHIT happens after they die.

Because what it all boils down to is that one day you're going to die and you'll never, ever, ever know what happens after that. Believe what you want now, but when you die you'll realize it was all for nothing. I'd rather enjoy my time here while I have it than waste it trying to figure out what happens once it's gone.
I can't wait until a huge meteorite smashes planet earth into fucking oblivion and every single person and their idiotic beliefs are proven wrong when ABSOLUTELY JACK SHIT happens after they die.
Yeah, that'd be pretty awesome, except the being squished part.

Because what it all boils down to is that one day you're going to die and you'll never, ever, ever know what happens after that. Believe what you want now, but when you die you'll realize it was all for nothing. I'd rather enjoy my time here while I have it than waste it trying to figure out what happens once it's gone.

You see, I have adopted a similar philosophy because I'm done figuring it out! Want a beer, kevin? Ill send you one over IRC.
Re-reading my post made me think of a question. What if the dinosaurs were also capable of reason and commmunication through language?

Are we just modern day dinosaurs, doomed for instant extinction and destined to be folklore for a new race of supreme beings 65 million years from today?
Re-reading my post made me think of a question. What if the dinosaurs were also capable of reason and commmunication through language?

Are we just modern day dinosaurs, doomed for instant extinction and destined to be folklore for a new race of supreme beings 65 million years from today?

Dude, awesome post, maybe even thread worthy.
I can't wait until a huge meteorite smashes planet earth into fucking oblivion and every single person and their idiotic beliefs are proven wrong when ABSOLUTELY JACK SHIT happens after they die.

Because what it all boils down to is that one day you're going to die and you'll never, ever, ever know what happens after that. Believe what you want now, but when you die you'll realize it was all for nothing. I'd rather enjoy my time here while I have it than waste it trying to figure out what happens once it's gone.

Of course you see the flaw in this reasoning? If there is absolutely nothing beyond death and your consciousness ceases light a candle going out, you'll never know it, and therefore can't be aware that you were wrong. Even in the death of the species, nobody will be proven wrong.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that any human being claiming to have the answers of the universe is incredibly deluded.
I know. Einstein. What loose bolt.

I typically side with the agnostic point of view. I don't like putting my foot down and saying, "This doesn't exist because I don't believe it does", just as much as I don't like putting my foot down and saying that I think something does exist when I could be wrong in both cases.

Agnosticism is boring and arrogant. To claim that we can't know the ultimate answer is just as deluded as to claim that we already do. Strictly speaking, whether we can know or not is irrelevant. Religion's failure is to restrict the belief system to a set of principles and raise the alarm when they are violated by those that question. Science isn't a set of absolute principles but a set of methods by which knowledge is proved good enough through "trial by fire" to be considered factual. The existence of God(s) is not one such thing, so it would appear that science says God does not exist. Since our civilization is pretty much built on science which works it would be folly to simply disregard its methods in special cases. Since science does not admit or disprove the existence of God, those questions are irrelevant--and those that don't realize it don't see the uselessness of this debate.

We humans are so self-centered and short-sighted that we sometimes forget that we're not even ants in the galaxy...we're not even amoebas.

Picked a random commment to respond to because I was bored.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that any human being claiming to have the answers of the universe is incredibly deluded.
I know. Einstein. What loose bolt.

I typically side with the agnostic point of view. I don't like putting my foot down and saying, "This doesn't exist because I don't believe it does", just as much as I don't like putting my foot down and saying that I think something does exist when I could be wrong in both cases.

Agnosticism is boring and arrogant. To claim that we can't know the ultimate answer is just as deluded as to claim that we already do. Strictly speaking, whether we can know or not is irrelevant. Religion's failure is to restrict the belief system to a set of principles and raise the alarm when they are violated by those that question. Science isn't a set of absolute principles but a set of methods by which knowledge is proved good enough through "trial by fire" to be considered factual. The existence of God(s) is not one such thing, so it would appear that science says God does not exist, when all it says is nothing about God at all There is no "Standard Theory of God," e.g. Since our civilization is pretty much built on science which works it would be folly to simply disregard its methods in special cases. Since science does not admit or disprove the existence of God, those questions are irrelevant--and those that don't realize it don't see the uselessness of this debate.

We humans are so self-centered and short-sighted that we sometimes forget that we're not even ants in the galaxy...we're not even amoebas.

Picked a random commment to respond to because I was bored.
Of course you see the flaw in this reasoning? If there is absolutely nothing beyond death and your consciousness ceases light a candle going out, you'll never know it, and therefore can't be aware that you were wrong. Even in the death of the species, nobody will be proven wrong.

Yeah, that's basically what I was implying. I could have worded it better I suppose.

Basically what I mean is that once it's over, it's over and that's it. You'll never ever know so why bother wasting time trying to figure it out?
Universe isn't infinite. Universe is boundless. There's a difference. And before Einstein we didn't have anything approaching the ultimate answers. He set us on the path.