Fuck you, religious America.

Old. Great photoshop by Derrick, though...laughed my ass off when he first did it.

I'm surprised at you Morganna, I always thought you were nice to me when everyone else was a dick.
Old. Great photoshop by Derrick, though...laughed my ass off when he first did it.

I'm surprised at you Morganna, I always thought you were nice to me when everyone else was a dick.

Dude, no one was trying to be mean to you. I spout one piece of hackneyed "everyone hates America" BS and you jump on the post wagon.

That was the whole point, So I rolled with it. I didn't know it would turn into a whinefest.
Dude, no one was trying to be mean to you. I spout one piece of hackneyed "everyone hates America" BS and you jump on the post wagon.

That was the whole point, So I rolled with it. I didn't know it would turn into a whinefest.

What? I was talking about shit like two years ago, man.
DW you're the only one that ever seems to get bent out of shape by the goings on of this forum, especially when people sling you shit. Just roll with the punches man, nobody else gets so defensive when others poke at them. If they do, they definitely don't hang around and endure and fight it like you do.
DW you're the only one that ever seems to get bent out of shape by the goings on of this forum, especially when people sling you shit. Just roll with the punches man, nobody else gets so defensive when others poke at them. If they do, they definitely don't hang around and endure and fight it like you do.

You sure about that, Kevin? Maybe it doesn't seem like anyone else is defensive because you're not complete assholes to each other, just others who don't happen to agree with you.

I wouldn't say I get defensive as much as I bring a contrary opinion or *fact* as the case usually is, which is usually met with hostility.

I'm just argumentative, dude, and if I know I'm right I will argue it to prove my point. If I am wrong, I will IMMEDIATELY say so and even apologize.

I just thought it was really unlike Morganna to post that because I was expecting you or the others from here on IM to do it. It just seemed really out of character but she was just playing.

The difference between her joking around and you guys joking around is that she isn't spiteful, vindictive, or just downright mean about it. But, whatever.
jesus fucking christ. You'd make my head explode in person.
Guilty conscience much? Goddamn man. Lighten up.

Dude I'm cool as a cucumber, don't worry about me. I'm just calling things as I see them. If you don't want to believe that you guys act like complete dicks to me sometimes (not all the time, but a lot of the time) then that's fine...I don't care. But don't act all surprised when I tell you you're being an asshole when you're being an asshole.

For the record, you're not being an asshole, Kevin. I'm just saying "you" in the second person.