the company I work for is all about the profit.
But watch, this November, when raises are due, they'll claim the economy is bad and that they can't increase our pay.
i tell ya ... next few months is the usual do or die time for retailers ... need I go on who's next as far as going out of business?
most of them are already barely making it ...
I've seen some funny real estate signs here recently. Saw one today that said, "consider trade" and this was in a high-dollar section of town.
I'm curious about how much my aunt's bayfront brigantine house is worth at this point. I know the worth of those houses dropped to their actual worths over the last few weeks...

The only reason I'm interested is because she stated that it get's split between the living direct relatives, and if I kill enough, I'm gonna have me a fucking DOCK to sit on thats most likely worth more than the house I sit in now.
I'm curious about how much my aunt's bayfront brigantine house is worth at this point. I know the worth of those houses dropped to their actual worths over the last few weeks...

The only reason I'm interested is because she stated that it get's split between the living direct relatives, and if I kill enough, I'm gonna have me a fucking COCK to sit on thats most likely worth more than the one I sit on now.


So my fiance's family is in Mexico and they are about to suffer a devaluation because of the global economy's decline. Couldn't you capitalize on such a situation? Take out a long-term loan, exchange currency to USD, wait for devalutaion, reexchange, and profit? Considering you do it before the market has time to adjust... Keep in mind, the devaluation could be very, very steep in Mexico's case. Stupid question, is that even legal?

*economics retard* i like crayons and making mud pies
Actually the value of the dollar is increasing slightly so....probably not a good idea.
I think I shall pick up some ford. Whats the worst that can happen at 2 bucks a share? I make 10 cents?

Shit, if people start buying american cars again, we could see that shit go back up to late 90s early 2000s numbers.