
May 1, 2004
Swamps of despair
i guess this is a thread about life...

i could beef this up with poetry from the elven ways but im not. ima get strait to the point.

a good friend of mine for many a years shot him self yesterday some 36-37 hours ago and is now walking among the deceased. it fucking sucks. the day before a realy good friend of mine got realy drunk and passed out in her bathtub and was actualy dead for 2 hours til the paramedics brought her back. that whole day everyone was down my throat because she was drinking with me and its like... fuck! ima go to jail!!! dont trust drunk people alone. make sure someone is there with a logical mind. so basicaly life is fun. meanwhile im in debt to my ears and im out of work because my current boss had a malfunction with his planning and we are out of work for 2 weeks and im having a hell of a time finding temp work between avoiding prison and making funeral arrangements. anyone wanna send me free money? i will in return mention your name in my signature here on the amon amarth forum.

well yeah thats me for 2 days. i know someones life is worse/better out there. i wanna hear it. and yeah... if someone wants to send some free money im about it.

.... and thus begins the revolution....

Andrew.... ima tell your story... you will be honored... in a very very metalic fassion...
life sucks. my condolences too but you are not alone with your situation.
It's hard to find right words in such a thread, especially in english.
hey real sorry for your pal, that must be fucking tough.

but if you want to hear someone else's life, here's my life:
i crave for something to actually happen, but nothing does. i live every day my boring life, finding some excitement only in new albums i discover and gigs, and sometimes in dangerous manifestations against police or leftists throwing rocks. other than that nothing, and i don't want to live nothing to an extent that i'm getting fucking mad about it.
by the way a good friend of mine has a jaw infection. he's gonna loose all his upper teeth in the next upcoming month and there's nothing the doctors can do about it. the worst thing is that he's a really cool guy, trustworthy and shit. it sure isn't as bad as loosing a friend, but what i mean is that there is always someone else who suffers more, and we should thank Freya every day that we are in good health, enough to have "liveable" life (sorry for the redundance).
i don't know where i was going by saying all that. but i wrote it so may as well post it too..
life sucks and then we ALL die, as they say

it's got its ups and downs and you never know when you gonna go, so that's why I say fuck the retirement plans and long term savings and live to your fullest NOW, travel, meet people, learn and explore new shit and most of all have Fires in the Woods

sorry about your friend,

I had a friend who made an exit via jump from a bridge

Celtik Militia, I think I've told you that before, if you want some excitment join the worries in Mogadishu ;), seriously, if you feel bored find some hobbies man, there are hundreds of them out there
Tomasz said:
Celtik Militia, I think I've told you that before, if you want some excitment join the worries in Mogadishu ;), seriously, if you feel bored find some hobbies man, there are hundreds of them out there

hehe, well i have a few hobbies. i'm also gonna join some friends in a medieval reconstruction group... but all that still doesnt make my life very interresting nonetheless. i want to experience real shit.
if i were athletic enough, i'd probably join the foreign legion. :p
i'll maybe work on my running skills for that. but i still want to be safe(r) for the futur and finish my studies before joining anything of that sort.
one could say i'm a spoiled brat living in a rich country who craves for what he doesnt know; war and despair, or at least something out of norm for the average westerner, something to live and die for... which actually makes me look stupid but thats how it is. i can't stand just being there. :zombie:
Demons: Dude, my sympathies man, I don't know you, but fuck that's the pits. My dad had a great friend drink himself to death, gave him his job he still has today, just a totally a fucked situation... :ill: Yeah, if you're studying, in college or still in highschool, put your energies there, keep your head up and latch on to something. Best of luck to ya man.

Celtik Militia said:
hehe, well i have a few hobbies. i'm also gonna join some friends in a medieval reconstruction group... but all that still doesnt make my life very interresting nonetheless. i want to experience real shit.
if i were athletic enough, i'd probably join the foreign legion. :p
i'll maybe work on my running skills for that. but i still want to be safe(r) for the futur and finish my studies before joining anything of that sort.
one could say i'm a spoiled brat living in a rich country who craves for what he doesnt know; war and despair, or at least something out of norm for the average westerner, something to live and die for... which actually makes me look stupid but thats how it is. i can't stand just being there. :zombie:

Hey dude, you want something not boring? Try boxing, wrestling, martial arts. It's a self fulfillment thing, the more you put in, the more you get back in the form of strength and confidence. I myself used to wrestle, the only thing that probably seperates me from you, that was my purpose for quite a while. See, it's difficult, but not so much that you have to risk life, and it's rewards are quite clear to see. Either that, or pick up an instrument, learn how to play guitar, bass, drums or something. I've yet to fully learn guitar, haven't played mine in a while, but yeah, you seem to need a purpose. Hope this helps. Demons, this advice goes to you too, if you need something to keep your mind off of things, or something to let out aggression on.

Imp! said:
Hey dude, you want something not boring? Try boxing, wrestling, martial arts. It's a self fulfillment thing, the more you put in, the more you get back in the form of strength and confidence. I myself used to wrestle, the only thing that probably seperates me from you, that was my purpose for quite a while. See, it's difficult, but not so much that you have to risk life, and it's rewards are quite clear to see. Either that, or pick up an instrument, learn how to play guitar, bass, drums or something. I've yet to fully learn guitar, haven't played mine in a while, but yeah, you seem to need a purpose. Hope this helps. Demons, this advice goes to you too, if you need something to keep your mind off of things, or something to let out aggression on.


what tells you i never wrestled or did any combat sport?
i did and still do from time to time. went to these krav maga classes a little, and do some combat training every thursday (when i can) with some friends.
and i did pick up guitar after having done 8 years of violin.
but i'll stop complaining here cause its not my thread, and Demons' problem is far more painful than mine. :(
hey Knarfi... i'm certain there must be reconstruction groups in Holland... the thing is that they are very hard to find. i tried to look for one near paris myself and really didnt find anything good.. then i met these guys who are part of a viking reconstruction group and now that i got into the "scene" i found out about tons of these groups around the paris region (roman, viking, celtic, saxon, normand, crusaders...ETC...), although when i was looking for one independantly, i didnt find shit.
so yeah there certainly are some in holland, but you might have difficulty finding one. try to go to medieval fairs or stuff like that (if you hear of any) and perhaps you'll get info there.
Hi celtik militia, well maybe so.. but im sure not in the farmer part where i live ;) well.. i guess i could search better, and if its a bit further away ill just have to accept it :) But still.. in this small country ill have to search very hard. (btw als iemand uit nederland hier meer over weet zeg het ff? :D) yes that was dutch :P
well the fact that it is a small country might make it easier to find things like that.
i mean when i used to search on internet for medieval things in paris, i'd get some in quebec or too far away from where i live. so yeah, the smaller the country, the easier to find something in it! ;) logical no?
Knarfi said:
Hi celtik militia, well maybe so.. but im sure not in the farmer part where i live ;) well.. i guess i could search better, and if its a bit further away ill just have to accept it :) But still.. in this small country ill have to search very hard. (btw als iemand uit nederland hier meer over weet zeg het ff? :D) yes that was dutch :P

waar woon je? Het lijkt me namelijk dat ze op het platteland net zo makkelijk te vinden zijn als in de stad.. maargoed, weet er verder niets van af. kan je niet helpen.. sorry