Fucking dumb people

Smoking an e-cigarette
They: "That's stupid, you might as well smoke a REAL cigd9ad73hdj"

Having a drink with friends
They: "Hey, remember that time you got so drunk you bsy90djakd"

Improvising random riffs on guitar
They: "Don't use that, sounds too much like Iron Maidescdsjas8a0"

Showing someone something funny on the internet
They: interrupts 5 seconds in, "OMG YOU HAVE TO SEE jd90ducvd7zvojz"

Someone showing YOU something funny you haven't seen yet
They: "OMG You're gonna LOVE this part! Look at the jf9x0favsdjkz0"

Just sitting down to take a shit
They: *knock knock knock* "You gonna be long?"

Showing piracy enthusiast friend a new CD you bought
They: "Pretty cool, I'll torrent that later"
Showing someone something funny on the internet
They: interrupts 5 seconds in, "OMG YOU HAVE TO SEE jd90ducvd7zvojz"

Someone showing YOU something funny you haven't seen yet
They: "OMG You're gonna LOVE this part! Look at the jf9x0favsdjkz0"

i hate the first and i always do the second :lol:
so, what your saying is... "fuck people" who like the sound of a stock strat, rather use a video game console than play the game on their computer, strictly uses analog gear because of the aliasing a/d can cause, and generally hates "tech music" because it pretty much all sounds identical?

so, what your saying is... "fuck people" who like the sound of a stock strat, rather use a video game console than play the game on their computer, strictly uses analog gear because of the aliasing a/d can cause, and generally hates "tech music" because it pretty much all sounds identical?


uh... yeah.. i think someone doesn't like me :(
I think the worst people are the ones who think that they are so fucking great that they have the right to decide what is music and what isn't.

And also the people who wait in a parking lot for people to put away their groceries and then leave (while there are like 3 cars behind them) just so their lazy asses don't have to walk a few extra fucking feet.

There's my rant for the day.
And also the people who wait in a parking lot for people to put away their groceries and then leave (while there are like 3 cars behind them) just so their lazy asses don't have to walk a few extra fucking feet.

The time they waited, they could have walked to the store and back 4 times.

Also - when someones driving in front of you, puts turn signal on, and takes FOREVER to make the fucking turn. JUST MAKE THE FUCKING TURN!!!
The Formula: What someone associates with on a daily basis>Everything & everyone else.

Nothing's really "better," there's just familiarity & consistency for the particular demographic.

Nuno thinks his Pornograffitti tone sucks.

Everyone thinks the 80s was gay now.

Soon, everyone will be gay and think it was so stupid trying to be macho.

Apple will be the first to shrink down the Neve console to iPad size. It will be the exact sound. Everyone will hate it and argue about it for 5 years then some shit will go wrong with iOS or bluetooth mics will show a slight deviation during a frequency analysis of a recording which happens even through XLR but it gives everyone that "AH HA!" moment and it's back to "See? The old school stuff cannot be matched!"

Sometimes you have to take a break from all the audio stuff and just go have awesome sex.
so, what your saying is... "fuck people" who like the sound of a stock strat, rather use a video game console than play the game on their computer, strictly uses analog gear because of the aliasing a/d can cause, and generally hates "tech music" because it pretty much all sounds identical?


No, what he's saying is fuck people who feel the need to voice their opinions over everyone else's as if their opinion was the "right" one. Yes, fuck all those people. SPECIALLY the ones who get to decide what is music and what isn't, fuck do I hate those people.
Play a emulator game

you don't, but try playing NES games without the actual controller. it's nowhere near the same. plus the nostalgist in me loves blowing into the cartridges trying to get them to work. :D