Fucking Killer Songs


Jan 16, 2007
Kinda in an ADD mood, not looking for any more "great albums!," next big things, or influential classics at the moment, just want to hear some awesome metal songs.

No real criteria except that I have a generalized dislike of most (definitely not all) thrash and bm... but hell, feel free to toss out whatever.

Doesn't need to be your "top ten" list or anything. That's fine, but I feel like we'd get a lot of same-y-ness.

Anyway. Hit me.
Nokturnal Mortum - To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire
Aborym - Generator
Crionics - Armageddon's Evolution

Albums, but also title tracks.
Cirith Gorgor - Winter Embraces Lands Beyond, Shadows Over Isengard, The Stormruler (The Art Of Megalomania)
God Macabre - Into Nowhere, Ashes Of Mourning Life
Hail - The War Must Go On, Earth's Historical Might Inheritance Prophecy
Amoral - Mute, Showdown, Control Cancer
Saprogenic - Force Fed Excrement, Remnants Of Cephalotripsy, The End, Rotten Flesh Filter, Phencyclidine Induced Neurosurgery
Celesty - Dream, Revenge, Unbreakable
Wormed - Pulses In Rhombus Forms, Tunnel Of Ions, Voxel Mitosis
It Dies Today - My Promise, A Threnody For Modern Romance, freak Gasoline Fight Accident, The Depravity Waltz, The Bacchanal Affair
Devourment - Choking On Bile (Demo), Babykiller, Postmortal Coprophagia
Octinomos - Plutonium Love, Wipeout, The Ground Shall Sorrow Be
Cipher System - In Perfection, Central Tunnel Eight

etc.etc. I could go on all day.
Kiuas- The Decaying Doctrine

The opener on the new album. The lyrics in the chorus are so badass.

Kiuas have a ton of killer songs (And the North Star Cried, Of Ancient Wounds, Race With the Falcons, etc.)

Turisas- Five Hundred and One

Borknagar- Invincible

Moonsorrow- Jumalten Kaupunki

Primordial- As Rome Burns

This could really be a book...